Monthly Archive: September 2005

Vinayaka Worship Ranks First

In the following discourse given on the auspicious day of Ganesha Chaturthi, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai delineates the real meaning behind the worship of Ganesha, also referred to as Vinayaka and Vighneshwara. He exhorts

Honor the Plighted Word

Embodiments of Divine Love! In the world today, the number of intellectuals who are engaged in breaking up the One into the many and fostering divisive forces is on the increase. On the other

The Shirdi Sai Saga

All festivals have been designed to teach men how to lead a godly life while carrying on their worldly activities. It was to teach this truth to mankind that avatars and saints made their

The Blessing Palm that Protected

Everything was unusually quiet. We were speeding towards the city of Kano in Nigeria late at night on December 22, 1980. As we entered the city, we saw a crowd in the middle of

Importance of Education

Education has two important characteristics. One is, exposition of facts relating to any subject. The other is the enfoldment of the individual’s personality. The first is concerned with the matter. The second is with