Monthly Archive: February 2012

Brahmanda Linga

In this epic discourse delivered nearly 50 years ago on the sacred Maha Shivaratri day, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba urges everyone to achieve the sole purpose of life—merging with the Divine. Promising His complete

The Secret of Tapas

If there is one fundamental [spiritual] practice embedded in the ancient culture of India, it is tapas [penance]. The term “tapas” is used to describe the process of purification of the body and the

Ask the Right Question

In a straight talk four decades back, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai emphasizes the need for authentic fervor, strict discipline, and one-pointed focus as key to gaining His grace. This is a twice‑blessed day, for it

The Sai Religion as I Experienced It

The truest test of a Godman, according to the scholar‑statesman Dr. K. M. Munshi, is the capacity to instill faith in human beings. By this yardstick alone, there is hardly anyone to compare with

Medical Camp for Recovering Addicts

The Sri Sathya Sai Center of Greater Baltimore conducted a medical camp in Park Heights, a neighborhood of Baltimore City, in October 2011. We organized this camp at the request of the I Can’t

Why is the Heart Dry?

Sai: The more the intensity, the greater the result. If you are digging a well, the deeper you dig, the higher will be the wall formed by the mud you bring out. The depth

Namasmarana Controls the Mind

Yashoda did not know where Balarama and Krishna were born. She brought them up as her own children. They were born in Mathura, but grew up in Gokulam. They grew in the womb of