Monthly Archive: March 2014

Make Every Moment Holy

Bhagavan Baba in this discourse delivered on the Andhra Pradesh new year, called Yugadi, urges us to embrace the truth behind the celebration: The Divine itself is the new year, permeating everything, endowing us

Divine in the Dream

In March 1988, my mother was diagnosed with a form of malignant cancer. I felt very sad and almost lost consciousness when I heard the news. When the doctor told her about it she

Man’s Far Journey

At the beginning, and for a long time on the [spiritual] journey, we think that it is happiness that we are seeking. But happiness cannot be courted; it comes unbidden, unexpectedly, while you are

Sai Baba Step by Step I Reach You!

From Canada again I am at Puttaparthi, But see you not ambling gracefully On the red carpet, a golden halo On the head and letters in palm’s hollow. Or scooting in the automobile gently,

Vision of the Lord

One afternoon, toward the end of last February, I was rolling pappads [flatbreads] in my house, when a letter came from Sri Vineethji who was in Bangalore. I did not open it right away,

How Many Friends Do You Have?

Before joining the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning by the grace of our Lord, I got a few chances to experience minute drops of His divine leela [play]. Here, I wish to

Function of Jnana

Q.  You have been saying that jnana [knowledge] is essential;  what exactly is the function of jnana? A.  Jnana makes you realize the atmaswarupa, that is to say, your own reality. Q.  And yoga


Life sustained by food is short; life sustained by the Atman (Divine Spirit) is eternal. Do not lay claim to long life but to divine life. Do not pine for more years on earth,