Divine Discourses Archive

The Highest Devotion

This world is a manifestation of the mind. The world as well as the senses are manipulated by the mind alone. The senses and the world take sustenance from the mind. The entire universe

Lessons in Karma and Dharma from the Mahabharata

The edifice of man’s life is erected on four walls: janma, karma, dharma, and Brahman (birth, actions, duties, and Supreme Reality). These four walls are interdependent and inextricably connected with each other. For what does birth

The Secret of a Happy Life

The way to happiness lies through a track of pain and suffering, clarifies Bhagawan Baba to his students. Pleasure is simply the interval between two pains. Sometimes certain feelings originate in our heart. Clouds

Birthday Message

When the dharma of the Yuga is laid aside, To establish it anew, through loving means; When the world is polluted by conflict and confusion To restore the path of virtue and peace; When

When Women are Honored

“Asthiram Jivanam loke” Life in this phenomenal world is impermanent. “Yad drisyam tadnasyam” Whatever is perceived is bound to pass away some time or other. “Asthiram yavvanam dhanam” Youth and wealth are transient. “Asthiram

His Story

The penultimate day of the Yagnam (a worship ritual) was a morning of two wonderful little surprises that the Lord decided to spring upon two tiny tots from the primary school. The day began

How Can We Satisfy God with Our Actions?

When Rama visited Shabari, He told her, “I am hungry”. She gave Him some berries that she found in the forest. The Lord went to everybody. He went to Emperor Bali and asked him

Role of the Avatar in the Cosmic Play

Like oil in the thil [sesame] seed Like ghee [clarified butter] in milk, fragrance in a flower, Juice in a fruit, fire in wood, Divinity is everywhere. Embodiments of the Divine atma! From ancient

Gurus—Not Teachers

The following discourse was given by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai in January 1974, where He has clearly shown the path that the Gurus should take. He has enunciated what and how they should teach

How Krishna Saved Pandavas during Difficult Situations

In one of His informal talks to the devotees at Trayee Brindavan on 4th April 1986, Swami illustrated the inexplicable and unique ways of the Divine by referring to episodes in the Mahabharata in

He Sings Ever

In His discourse on Krishna Janmashtami, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba emphasized that Krishna had to encounter obstacles from cradle to the finish of His life on earth. Personal spite, false slander, unfounded abuse,

Why Do We Need Spiritual Knowledge?

Bhartruhari was an ardent devotee, poet, scholar, and a role model on the path of spirituality. Once upon a time he was contemplating on his fallacies and misdeeds. He said to himself, “Out of