Anger Oozed Out

I was walking down the street and coming to the street corner when a Ford van moving at high speed almost flew around the corner and came to a screeching halt. A man jumped out and with his fist raised in a threatening motion rushed past me toward another man coming this way on a bicycle. Obviously just a few moments earlier they had some traffic dispute, and it looked as if the disagreement was to be settled on the van-driver’s hard terms. He was angrily shouting: “What did you say, what did you say!!” while running toward the cyclist.

Photo of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai BabaEverything happened very fast, but I felt something had to be done, so I called within myself for true help, “Baba help us—bring peace, please bring us Your peace!” Then I felt the urge just to shout loudly “Stop!” Though I don’t know if they heard me, being several meters away, but Swami certainly was not.

By now the van-driver had stopped the cyclist by grabbing his shoulder with one hand, and with the other he was just about to punch the cyclist when everything, in a strange way, slowed down. It was a miracle. Suddenly all his anger and rage oozed out of him, and at the same time the cyclist was prevented from doing anything at all. Within a few moments the driver had let go and was on his way back to the van, and immediately he drove off. Likewise the cyclist.

“Why fear, when Swami is here,” and how true that is.

~Kenn Watting
Source: Spiritual Impressions

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