Blossoming Together

I really didn’t believe in miracles. In fact, in 1973 I just began to believe in God! Sathya Sai Baba then started to open His treasure chest before me, and showered miracle after miracle to astound me. Despite the stories my friends related to me, I continued to doubt His glory.

Photo of Sri Sathya Sai BabaDuring my visits to Prasanthi Nilayam, I would spend much of my time praying for interviews and receiving them. Yet, I remained unfulfilled. My eyes looked on, they did not see; what would it take for me to know God?

But I persevered, for had I not passed through atheistic belief to understand that God does exist? I knew that if I continued to seek, I would get the answer someday, and then all doubts would disappear.

At last I got the answer. It was during my visit to Prasanthi Nilayam in the summer of 1983, when for the first time I did not receive the interview.

I was distraught. “What had I done to deserve this?” I cried. So Baba worked His great miracle. In my despair, I had to delve inside, toward my true being. I went over the events of my fiveweeklong stay. Finally, I saw, and the blindfold was lifted.

I realized that the Lord had given Himself to all of us—the teachers from all parts of the globe that had gathered to learn His educational program—day after day, showering His love and light and seeking nothing in return. I recognized for the first time the perfection of God in human form. How blessed I was that He conferred this grace on me.

I understood clearly what my soul had prayed for, in poetic form, for ten long years:

I’m not impressed by deeds like these:
A wave of the hand, a cure for the ill.
Tell me, instead, in Your simplest words
Of love, of peace, of serenity.
When these miracles You offer me
I am Yours, I am Yours, I am Yours.

The tears I now shed were from gratitude and love. I longed to know how I could serve, in what way I could share in God’s work and earn peace, serenity, and love. I found that Educating in Human Values is the very heart of the Lord’s teaching. I knew that EHV would soon become part of the school system of every country. I found that I was blessed to play a small role in this revolution guided by the Lord Himself.

Since then, my time is spent with EHV, planning, writing, speaking, teaching, and training. When my friends ask, “Aren’t you tired of teaching? Don’t you want to retire?” I enthusiastically reply, “Of course not! Look at the wonderful chance I have, not only to teach values to children but to learn from them as well.” Together, we are blossoming into excellence.

~B. Flaig, New York
Source: Sanathana Sarathi, May 1986

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