Do You See Him?

It is surely Babaji’s wish that we should all feel the ties across the ocean, for each moment He is building the bridges for international shanti [peace]. This shanti He has given to me and I am giving Him my ananda [bliss]. I am in His constant presence every moment, now. He is here; you can feel His divine touch, you can feel His divine voice, you wrap yourself in His divine bliss, you can sense His divine love.

Photo of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai BabaPrasanthi Nilayam is here; it has no walls it has no earthly foundation, for it is, as Babaji keeps reminding us, right within our own breast.

How many times has the Lord given us this body to discover its true purpose? I wonder how many times He is prepared to go through the process of providing us the mortal body. He answers, “As many times as is necessary, until you know you are immortal.”

When I was a boy in North Perth, Australia, I used to play with the other children the game called hide and seek. This game Babaji still plays with me. He hides and I seek. I seek

Him everywhere. As a child, I often could not find the other boys; but I can assure you now that I find Him every time everywhere. He is right now in the eyes of the person reading this letter of mine. Do you see Him?

~Charles Penn, Los Angeles
Source: Sanathana Sarathi, Oct. 1967

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