Gifts of Grace

Who has not felt thrilled at the sight of the wave of Bhagavan’s hand creating instantaneously, vibhuti [holy ash], sweets of unique flavor and taste, nectar divine, fruits, lockets, photographs of Himself by His “quick photography,” images of godheads, and hundreds of other things? Who has not felt blessed at being the recipient of these gifts of grace?

Photo of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba“Don’t attach much significance to these manifestations of My divine power—what you call miracles,” warns Bhagavan. “The most important characteristic of My Divinity is prema [love],” He reminds. “When the son comes home for vacation, the mother gives gifts doesn’t she? That is why I shower on you these gifts,” He explains. “Come with empty hands, I shall fill them,” He assures. “These gifts are My visiting cards,” He smiles!

These gifts of grace are material things; they are apparently the same as those manufactured and sold in the market, and anyone who has not witnessed the “phenomenon” of the materialization will miss its import.

The objects—the products of His divine power—are less important than the way Bhagavan showers on us these gifts of grace. Watch Him before He creates these gifts. There is a flash of smile. Watch! There! He is waving His hand, as if it is necessary for Him to wave His hand to create! No. He waves so that we may not miss the thrill of seeing the act before our very eyes. It all happens so instantaneously that we may miss it. He wishes that we should see the creation.

“Would you like to have some gift?” He asks you. “Will you have something to wear if Swami gives?” He waits for your answer. Then He waves His hand, as you watch intently, and He shows you the glistening gift—a silver ring that He puts on your finger Himself. Smiling all the time, He says, “You see! The goldsmith has to take the measurement of your finger before He can make a ring of the right size for you.” “But” He beams, “Swami does not have to take any measurements!” He explains lest you should miss the significance of His divine power. He says all this in a casual way. There is no feeling that He is the giver and that you are the recipient; there is no touch of ego, speaking from a human standpoint!

These gifts of grace remind us all the time, even when we are lost in the humdrum of life, the precious moments when we were face to face with God in human frame. They give courage and faith that He is with us, and they remind us of His reassuring words, “Why fear when I am here!”

~Dr. N. Murthy Ph.D.
Source: Sanathana Sarathi, April 1970

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