The Ganesha Principle

In this discourse on Ganesha Chaturathi, Swami tells us how the Mahabharata was written by Ganesha and dictated by Vyasa. The sacred occasion is on August 27th this year.

The world has many exemplary leaders, but none like Vinayaka. He is also called Vighneshwara because He is regarded as the presiding deity of obstacles, just as Yama is the presiding deity of birth and death. It is the grace of Ganapati that removes all obstacles. Ganapati means the Lord of ganas [demi gods]. He is the Lord of sound and has the form of pranava (Om).

What is the esoteric meaning of Ganesha’s elephant head? The elephant is noted for its acute intelligence. Ganesha’s elephant head symbolizes sharpness of intellect and the highest power of discrimination. Because of the purity of His intellect, Vinayaka is also called the giver of buddhi (intellect). He responds to the prayers of devotees and hence He is known as Siddhi Vinayaka (the one who grants boons).

Photo of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai BabaWhen Vyasa embarked upon writing the Mahabharata [ancient Hindu epic], because of the immensity of the task of writing down millions of verses, he sought the help of Brihaspati, the preceptor of the devas (demi-gods), for a suitable scribe. Brihaspati told Vyasa that none but Vinayaka could carry out the work. Vyasa appealed to Vinayaka for aid.

Vyasa stipulated that everything that was said should be clearly engraved. Ganesha in turn specified that Vyasa should not pause in his dictation. He wanted the stylus with which He would be inscribing the verses on the palm leaves to work uninterrupted. Vinayaka could write down the entire Mahabharata because He was the very embodiment of all knowledge. Vyasa however, could accomplish his prodigious task only with Ganesha’s aid.

The mouse, a clever and lively creature is Ganesha’s vehicle. It is symbol urging us to be clever and diligent in our actions.

There is special significance in placing Vighneshwara in the forefront before embarking on any undertaking. In a forest, when an elephant moves through the jungle, it clears the way for others to follow. Likewise, by invoking Ganesha, the path is cleared for our activities. The elephant’s foot is so large that it can stamp out the footprints of any other animal. Here again, the symbolic meaning is that all obstacles will be removed when Ganesha is accorded the place of honor. The journey of life is much more comfortable and trouble-free when one receives the grace of Ganesha.

On Vinayaka Chaturthi day [birthday of Lord Ganesha], students place books in front of the Ganesha idol and offer worship. They pray to the deity to illumine their minds. Hence Ganesha is known as “buddhi pradayaka” [one who grants intelligence]. No one should regard Ganesha as uncouth because of His elephant head and His immense belly. Vinayaka is a deity of infinite potency who encompasses the universe within Himself.

Vighneshwara is described as one wearing a white cloth. His body is ash-grey. He is depicted as having four arms and a cheerful countenance. The white cloth signifies purity of mind and heart. By worshipping Him, you must endeavor to achieve similar purity. Vinayaka always appears serene and calm. By His grace, the devotee must seek to achieve similar equanimity, whatever may be the ups and downs in life.

Source: Sanathana Sarathi, Oct. 1989

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