Gita: The Song of Life – 4

Sri Krishna explains to Arjuna that He comes down as an ‘avatar’—divine incarnation—to protect the good and the righteous and to destroy evil. He leads people on the path of peace and prosperity, perfection and righteous living. An avatar wills His birth as a human and is not bound by desires or destiny. He is pure, free, and chooses the circumstances of His incarnation which best suit His Divine mission. He then said that there are four types of devotees: i) those who worship God for success. ii) those that pray in distress and ask for protection and rescue. iii) devotees who are seekers of the light; they are not interested in money, fame, or comfort. iv) And lastly, the God realized one,  for them the whole world is a creation of God.

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Sri Krishna:

“A doubt?
Out with it,
Doubt damages deep:

Like the mole in the eye,
The stone in the shoe,
The thorn in the sole,
The worm in the ear.”


“How could…?
When did Surya learn from You?
You are over eighty; I am close behind.
Manu, Surya, both did live—many an eon ago!”

Sri Krishna:

“I am not born—
Neither do I die!
Let Me reveal—
You are equally free!

For I am you, as Arjuna,—and
You are I, as Krishna!
That is the truth,
Though seldom believed!

The prayers
Of pure and noble minds
And the wrongs
Of wicked throngs…

Invite Me to take on human form—
To heal, to cure, to teach, to save,
To guide, from night—to light;
To lead, from hate—to love.

This task I take, whenever the need.
Sages know Me and welcome, gladly.
Many do not have the eye to see Me—
In this human role of ‘Avatar’ play!”


“Why are You so partial, Lord?
The many deserve Your grace,
Much more than the sage—
Why deny them the touch of truth?”

Sri Krishna:

“Most people, Arjuna,
Repeat this blame—
And slander Me,
Without end.

I favor a few
And keep others afar!
But it is they who stay away, and,
It is these, who cling to me!

Four groups, Arjuna, each worthy—more or less,
Seek Me, secure Me, and serve Me.
Those, diseased in body, brain, and mind—
I lessen the pain, cancel the cause—or cure.

Those who pine in poverty—
They call on me for food or shelter,
Light and love,
I bless them; the need is met; they rejoice!

Those who search for God,
In books and nooks and
Trek through hill and dale, in vain—
They come and wonder, ruminate and rest.

The last but verily, the first,
I most do love—
The realized ones,
Ever alone, in bliss divine!”

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