I Was the Guest

It was Thursday, full moon, night, eight o’clock;
He was reading a page of this monthly then!
Baba ‘stood’ in concrete form, rose-bud smile and grace
He saw Him, clear: robe, lotus eyes, and feet.
“You must not doubt, you should not waver”
He spoke in ringing tones to him who grasped His feet.
“Fall before what ever form, call on which ever name.
Your heart is fixed on Ganesha form, I know;
The flowers you place on Ganesha do always come to Me,
I am Ganesha and all the Gods; I assume many a form.
I came to your home as Ganesha, and dined there too
Twenty five years ago, when you did pray to Me.”
Did He? Was he so blest…?  Yes, yes … ‘Tis true!
On Ganesha Chaturthi day it was, in village shrine
He prayed, “Vinayaka! come! and dine with me.”
And Baba heard! A middle-aged guest, full, fat, and fair,
Pot-bellied too, with golden bangles on his wrists
Called at his door and ate his fill the varied fare!!
“I was that guest,” said Baba, last full moon night,
“So do not doubt but fix your faith on Ganesha, firm.”

Source: Sanathana Sarathi, May 1962

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