Laali To Our Lovely

Laali to our Lovely!
Laali, O how Jolly!

They are singing lullaby;
And do you sleep, my baby?

Is not work Thy hobby
Like a humming honeybee?

How can you sleep, my baby,
When all are crying for Thee?

How can you run away
When our souls are at play?

Your eyes meet us everywhere:
You play with souls far and near;

To our bosoms, we hold you dear
O Universal Sire!

Nectar flows from Thy fingertips;
Vedas flow from Thy rosy lips,

Gifts flow from Thy gracious hands!
Lovers seek Thee from all lands!

You have no time for dinner!
Behold, you run to save a sinner!

O sweet serene Winner,
You draw us inner and inner!

We follow Thy charming flute
We obey Thy conch and fight

To remove gloom and be Thy light.
How can you be out of sight?

Swing O swing, as we sing!
Swing us, too, to raasa ring!

Let Thy playful acts fulfill
This existence in Thy will!

~Yogi Shuddhananda Bharati

(Composed before the Jhula, at 8 PM on 12-10-59)
Source: Sanathana Sarathi, Oct. 1959

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