Thoughts Are Things

I am watching my
thoughts, feelings,
and actions

Are they clear, translucent, pure
upward-moving, virtuous, loving
inspiring, faithful, joyful, warm
peaceful panorama
quiet, unruffled lake,
a crystal window pane
through which all I experience is You

Are my thoughts, emotions, and motions
a red hot volcano
exploding across the screen of
restless, anxious, burning, throbbing
arrogant, jealous, hyper, competitive,
pushing the envelope
all I see and want fueled by
relentless desires

or are my thoughts, feelings, and words
carbon black
confused, clouded, foul, sick
buried alive in a dank, dismal pit,
of downward-moving
stale, dull, sad, immobile
all I see is darkness
and death of my hopes
and aspirations

Lord of the Three Gunas
the wavelengths we choose
to flavor, color, incense,
adorn, and resonate with
are determined by the conscious quality
of our thoughts, words, feelings, and deeds.

Yad bhavam tada bhavathi (One becomes what one thinks). Hence, people should see that their thoughts are pure and good. Human life is the expression of one’s thoughts. Thoughts arising in the mind fill the atmosphere with waves of energy. Thought waves are very powerful. Hence, our thoughts should be sublime and sacred. No evil ideas should affect our thoughts. Evil thoughts inevitably lead to evil actions. When cruel thoughts enter the mind, men behave like cruel animals. When, instead, there are good and loving thoughts in a man, they divinize him and enable him to perform good and sacred acts. Hence, every man’s heart should be filled with love, compassion, and kindness.


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