Good Company

Question: Swami, company is very essential for everybody. Is it as significant as it is said to be?

Bhagavan: Undoubtedly, good company is very important for every one of you. In fact, you should seek the company of good people. You should run away from bad company. It is the company you keep that decides your life. So, it is said, “Tell me your company! I shall tell you what you are!” When it is in association with the wind, dust floats up, but the same dust in association with water, sinks down. Let me give you another example: When you mix ten cups of milk with one cup of water, the value of water will go up. But, on the other hand, if you add ten cups of water to one cup of milk, the milk will lose its value. This explains clearly the importance of the association or company you keep. In the Mahabharata, you hear about Karna [son of Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas], who, despite his excellence in archery, intelligence, and physical prowess, came to be known as one among the dustacatustaya [the four wicked ones]. Karna lost his name and fame because of bad company.

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