Youth and Education

Question: Swami, we are progressing in the fields of science and technology.  But, the modern youth are not able to face life’s problems courageously. They [the youth] are depressed by the slightest problem. They are unable to patiently bear any suffering, and easily take to intoxicating drinks and drugs. What is Swami’s message to our youth?

Bhagavan: Today, many young men and women go to colleges and universities for higher studies. They are able to specialize in every branch of knowledge. On the whole, this is good. Nonetheless, we find innate, vital human qualities deteriorating fast, and disappearing altogether among the youth.

Education is not for living, but it is for life.
Education is not for transmitting information, but it is for transformation.
Education is for elevating the human personality to the mansion of God.
Education should not be instrumental to earning annas [cents], but to earning gunas [values].
Education is not for ‘jitam’ [salary], but it is for ‘jivitam’ [life].

What is the use of higher education devoid of [human] values?  Is there progress without values? Bereft of values, can science and technology help you?  Indeed, it is the absence of values that drives modern youth to take to drugs and alcohol.

The youth are not vira [courageous] but bhira [timid]. They should be masters; instead they are slaves. They should know that “Life is a challenge. Meet it.” They have to encounter and overcome all the problems and difficulties in life rather than choose to run away from them, and feel frustrated. Since life is a challenge, you should meet it. Life is full of keen competition in all fields, namely, scientific, technological, physical, ethical, political, and spiritual. They [youth] should fully equip themselves with the right weapons, and be ever ready to face the challenges of life.

An incident illustrating such a challenge happened during the Mahabharata war. Totally disheartened, Arjuna wanted to run away from the battlefield like a coward. At that time, Lord Krishna instilled in him the needed courage and morale by teaching him the Bhagavad-Gita, the Celestial Song. This acted like calcium and glucose injections, giving strength to Arjuna’s mind and body.

Life is a sports ground; life is a game; play it. You have to play with sportsmanship, and accept victory or defeat, gain or loss, with equanimity. In this world, everyone may not have everything, but there is none without love. So, life is love; share it. God is love, love is God; hence, live in love. Your heart is full of love, but with how many are you sharing this precious gift? Question yourself. Love begets love. Today it is not happening. This is the main reason for all conflicts, misunderstandings, and differences. Do your duty with all your skill and to the best of your ability. Don’t be lazy, building castles in the air. You should   work such that your dreams come true. “Life is a dream. Realize it!” Nowadays, your plans do not reflect reality. Is this life? No.

Do your duty sincerely while praying to God; then, your work will be transformed into worship. Your karma (action) will turn into yoga (spiritual communion.) Then, duty and work will become a spiritual discipline on the path of karma yoga [yoga of action]. Don’t merely dream; don’t spend time in meaningless fancies. Know that life is duty.

Source: Satyopnishad, Vol. 1

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