Letters to the Boys

Dear Boys,

Let every human being remake himself. Let us understand that we live not for money making, not for fulfilling our wants, not for scholarly and intellectual pursuits, but for spiritual development. Effects of karmas [actions] of the past have to be effaced with karmas backed by prema [love]. Every karma must have a background of prema. It is only in this world that spiritual progress can be made. Annihilation of the ego and dissolution of desires can be made here and now. Conquer desires, the little “i” feeling, vasanas [tendencies], vikaras [emotions], raga [attachment], and dwesha [hatred]. All these built this world of appearances and illusions.

Fill the heart with the light of prema so that the evil qualities of hate, greed, and conceit find no place therein. In winnowing, the dry outer coverings are separated from the grain. So, too, you should separate the bad thoughts and emotions from the good and healthy ones….

Prema Dhaara, p. 29

“Where there is a will, there is a way,” is absolutely true. At first the will is your own. It has to be strengthened by the assent of God until you convert it into the almighty will of God. You seem to be playing a particular game that you do not really desire to give up. You can change the game, if you will. You are not weak and helpless. Every strength and power is within you. God-vision is yours the very instant you will it with concentration. But you do not will it, simply because you don’t choose to.

Sai is not mocking. He is perfectly earnest. He is giving expression to the truths gathered from the depths of experience. “Trust in and submission to the supreme will in all circumstances,” means the vision of truth, the vision of the root principle of all creation. When you say, “If God wills,” it must mean that you assert your own all-powerful will. The solution, therefore, is to awaken the inherent power and splendor of your soul. Do it!

You are verily the immortal truth, the great deathless and changeless reality. May victory be ever yours.

With Blessings, ~Baba.

Prema Dhaara, p. 14

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