
There is always a hint of the Divine child in this most glorious and unique Sai phenomenon. I am constantly haunted by a delightful incident recounted by Professor Kasturi in his memoirs, Loving God. Some many years ago, there were only about fifty residents at Prasanthi Nilayam, living in a small cluster of tenements near the Mandir; and every afternoon at 4 o’clock the young Baba visited them, though never in the same order.

One day, Kasturi—then a retired professor—stood waiting at his window, anxiously watching for Baba to emerge from the front door of another dwelling. Suddenly, from behind him, he felt hands cover his eyes, and the words, “Guess who?” Kasturi writes, “My reply was a cascade of tears.” Baba had left the other house by the back door and managed to creep round unseen to enter Kasturi’s house, also from the back, to surprise him!

Lessons, too, are often taught with loving humor. I remember the lady who was using her japamala [holy beads] when Swami came along. He stopped, took the rosary into His own hands and with a pious expression repeated, “Rama – Rama – Rama – I must do the laundry today – Rama…” Then He returned the rosary to her with a smile. No further words were necessary!

Source: Sai Humor, p. 3

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