A Different Religion

Throughout all my years in Bal Vikas [Swami’s spiritual education program], I have always been taught about the different religions. At first, when I joined the class, I was actually upset thinking this would be just another cliché history class, but there was something different about this lesson. We not only learned what each religion believed in, but also how they were all united.

Photo of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai BabaI had always felt that each religion was so different, each with its own books, languages, and people. Yet these classes were able to make me think otherwise. Even though all the religions had different books, they all preached the same thing—Swami’s five values: truth, right conduct, love, peace, and nonviolence. One of Swami’s quotes helped me realize this: “I have come not to disturb or destroy any faith, but to confirm each in his own faith—so that the Christian becomes a better Christian, the Muslim, a better Muslim, and the Hindu, a better Hindu.” This left another question in my head: why do people of different religions feel they are so different?

When it comes to religion, people seem to look at the differences rather than the similarities. Sathya Sai Baba is changing that, showing how all these religions are related. He says that all religions are equal and are all a pathway to God. In this day and age, it is especially important to realize this. If we develop love in our hearts toward all and respect everyone regardless of their religion, we can achieve peace. The Sarva Dharma symbol [showing all major world religions] shows that all religions lead in the same direction—toward divinity.

~Sandhya Rao,
Group 3 student, East Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

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