Feel it, Feel it

In 1973 Baba spoke with His American devotees and gave the following message.

You, as body, mind or soul, are a dream. What you really are is: “existence-knowledge-bliss.”

You are God of the universe. You are creating the universe and after playing with it for some time, you draw it in, and are the same again.

To gain the infinite, universal individuality, this miserable little prison—individuality must go.

Photo of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai BabaIt is the heart that reached the goal. Follow the heart, for, a pure heart reaches beyond the intellect; it thrills, gets inspired; it sees visions and places faith.

Whatever we do reacts upon us; if we do good, we shall have happiness. If we do evil, we shall auger unhappiness. Within you is real lasting unsullied happiness. Within you is the vast limitless ocean of nectar divine. Seek within you; feel it; feel it.

It is here, the Self. It is not to be confused with the body, the mind, the intellect, the brain, and the senses. It is not the desire of the desiring. It is not the object of desire. It is not the person that desires.

Above all these you are. In all these, you are. All these you are.

You are the smiling flower. You are the twinkling star. What is there on earth and sky that you are not? Then, what can you desire for?

Source: Sanathana Sarathi, Oct. 1973

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