From Darkness to Light

The journey from birth to death is a game that has to be played with skill. From time to time, prophets and messengers from God have appeared among different peoples to teach them the rules of this game and to show them how it should be played. However, in the past and even today, owing to ignorance or incomplete understanding of these rules and a failure to live by them, the game has continued from one birth to another, and it seems it could go on indefinitely.

During my student days, I was skeptical about God and anything that was supernatural. I believed I should examine everything in my life and work from a rationalist and humanist point of view. At that time, some of my friends and I recognized the need to use more of the untapped human potential for self-improvement and for the benefit of mankind, but the changes that divine grace could produce in man were something we could not understand.

Photo of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai BabaThe possible good example of those who practiced their faiths sincerely was destroyed by the pretensions of others in the same faith. And, of course, we had no first-hand experience of divinity. Meanwhile, my search for the true meaning of life and death continued, and this was successful only after my contact with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

I first heard about Bhagavan Baba in 1970, and my family and I had our first darshan in Prasanthi Nilayam [Baba’s residence in South India] in August 1975. In a physical sense Bhagavan seemed to be both far away and very close. It took some time before I realized that He had the power to work from within me or from within anyone else. In my case, there was no instant conversion, but after this first visit we started to put into practice His teachings, and gradually changed our food habits and life style.

By mid 1980, I had sufficient experience of Bhagavan’s Divinity to accept Him, the Avatar of our age, as my most trustworthy guide. What puzzled me for some time was His apparent indifference in situations that seemed to call for immediate attention. I soon learned that Bhagavan Baba is not only testing us, but also teaching us the virtues of patience, endurance, compassion, and equanimity. These are, as He Himself says, indispensable qualities for the serious spiritual aspirant or any person really wanting to play the game of birth-rebirth to a finish.

Rules of the game

Everything in creation is subject to the laws of nature, e.g., gravitation, heredity, etc. Human existence is governed also by the law of karma (of actions and their consequences, or causes and effects), operating in and beyond our known space-time framework. It is the law of predestination, determined by each person’s actions and based on the principles of moral or retributive justice. The full implications of this law, which most of us do not appreciate, are straightforward and consistent with individual freedom within the limits imposed by each one’s past actions and desires.

To have total freedom is the real object of the game: it means to become liberated, to be free from the human bondage that keeps us filled with desires and attached to the fruits of our actions. When Bhagavan Baba says, “Do good!” and “Become desire-less!” He is endorsing a prescription that has been given to mankind many times before. But being reckless, we forget or do not care and so the game goes on and on.

Everything that Bhagavan Baba says and does is for the good of humanity. When He responds to a cry of anguish or grants our desires, He hopes that we shall one day yearn for what He has come to give us, namely liberation itself. Many of us would like to change our ways and practice Bhagavan Baba’s teachings more and more, but owing to obstacles (including laziness and insufficient motivation), we often postpone it to another time. Even so, like a hidden catalyst, Bhagavan Baba has quietly been changing our lives and, provided we play our part, He will certainly help us to finish the game.

Karma and the Quran

The law of karma, as stated above, is not one of the usual beliefs among Jews, Christians, and Muslims, even if some passages in their sacred books tend to support it. During the past few years, thanks to Bhagavan Baba’s inspiration and command, I have found many verses in the Holy Quran [religious book of the Islamic faith] that are in full accord with this law and with this universal teaching.

For example, in Chapter 39, verses 5 to 9, it says:

“God created the heavens and the earth in Truth… and He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, in threefold darkness. God is your Lord… there is no God but He… No soul laden bears the load of another. You shall return to your Lord and He will tell you what you have been doing…”

In this passage from the Quran, which Muslims believe is the inspired word of God, we find all the elements to support the karmic law, such as personal responsibility for our actions and their consequences (“no soul… another”), the idea of successive births (“creation after creation” in “mothers” in the plural), and our ignorance (“darkness”) of our past (previous births), present and future (“threefold”). The standard interpretation of this passage is that the embryo lying in the darkness of the womb, covered by three layers (amniotic membrane, uterine muscle, and abdominal wall), passes through various “stages” during development, each representing a “creation” in evolutionary terms.

It can only be due to fate that for over a thousand years Muslims have failed to see the true significance of these precious words. How blessed we are to have Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to correct our misconceptions and errors, which He often does by working inside us, changing us from within and inspiring us to improve our destiny. All this He does unassumingly, as if not at all concerned. Of course, there are many sides to Bhagavan Baba, which He reveals at different times. But we devotees must not be deluded by appearances. We should be meticulous in everything we do or undertake, whether for worldly or spiritual gains. “Be prepared!” says Bhagavan Baba, and this is what all of us should keep in mind spiritually during our daily tasks.

The supreme catalyst

The karmic law applies not only to individuals but also collectively to populations, countries, and cultures. History tells us about the rise and fall of empires and civilizations, and at present we are witnessing dramatic changes in many countries, in every case following the law of destiny. Even if we cannot see into the future, we know that this is determined by what went before. It is too late to do anything about our past actions; if their consequences are now painful, we can only strengthen our minds with equanimity and faith until the period of troubles is over.

All our present thoughts, words, and deeds will in their turn bring consequences; we must therefore be vigilant and take care to avoid “mistakes” that will lead to difficulties in the future. To play this game with skill we must take to the spiritual path and practice what Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is and has been teaching for the benefit of all peoples. This includes individual sadhana [spiritual discipline] and selfless service to all, which will help to improve both individual and collective destinies.

Sometimes we find it difficult or impossible to change an attitude or habit that is an obstacle to our spiritual progress. In such a situation, we can only pray to Bhagavan Baba, the supreme catalyst, to effect the change. Thus transformed, we can offer ourselves to become His instruments and masters of our destiny.

~Dr. Ali Hussain, W.H.O., Geneva
(From “Sai Vandana”)
Source: Sanathana Sarathi, May 1991

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