Aids for Meditation

To sit straight is important. Between the 9th and 12th vertebrae is the life force. If the spine is injured at this point, paralysis occurs. If the body is in a straight position, as if it were wound around a straight pole, the life force may rise up through the straight body and give the quality of intense concentration to the mind. Moreover, just as a lightning rod attached to the roof of a building attracts lightning, in like fashion a perfectly straight body provides a conductor, so to speak, for divine power to enter the temple of your body and give you the strength to accomplish your task and reach your goal.

As another example, the divine power is always here, just as radio signals are here. But to hear the radio music there must be an antenna. Further, if the tuning device is not properly adjusted, there will just be some sound but no music. In like fashion, the divine power, which is always present, may flow into you if meditation is correct and the body straight.

Conversations with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, p. 187

The sound of OM is A U M. A starts softly from the throat. It is the earth. U comes from the mouth and the sound rises in volume. M is sounded with the lips, with decreasing volume. Like a plane, heard distantly; increasing in sound as it approaches and fading with distance. A is the world. U is heaven. M is divine, beyond all the senses.

OM is in every place, mind, tongue, heart, etc. First sound OM on the tongue and then in the mind. The sounding of OM 21 times is important: five outer senses, five inner senses, five lives (the five elements), five sheaths (the koshas), and the Jiva, the individual soul.

Conversations…, p. 128

Why a light? From the sand, if one takes, it will be depleted. From the water tank, if each one takes, the tank will go dry. But a thousand people can take the flame of one candle to light their candles and the flame is in no way diminished. Light a lamp or a candle. Gaze straight ahead at the flame…

Conversations…, p. 186

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