Develop Compassion

Whatever service you are rendering you should not feel that you are serving others, but that you are serving God Himself. While taking bath or giving one to the children, consider that you are doing the purification ritual of washing God Himself. While serving food consider that you are offering it to God Himself. When giving food to a beggar, consider that God has come in this form and you are serving Him. It seems that it is a beggar who is asking but it is the atma who is really enjoying the food you give. When you are cutting vegetables for cooking, consider that you are cutting away your desires and ego with the knife of wisdom. While sweeping the floor at home, don’t lament “O, it keeps getting dirty again and again.” Think rather that you are cleaning your own heart. If you are rolling chapattis [Indian bread] at home, consider what joy it is to roll and knead and expand your heart. In this way, you can consider every activity you undertake as being done for the sake of God. Then where is the need for any separate meditation, separate penance or separate worship?

Consider your heart as atma. Soften it and make it full of compassion. That is the only spiritual exercise you need to perform.

Through love you can accomplish anything in the world. Consider love as the atma itself. However many scriptures you may read and however many spiritual exercises you may do, if you do not allow your heart to melt with compassion, your life will be a sheer waste. All practices have to be directed towards softening your heart so that it will flow with kindness and love. Develop this feeling of compassion and allow it to flow fully and spread among all the people of the world

Digest 2

God is the embodiment of compassion. He watches for a grain of goodness or humility so that He can reward it with tons of grace.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. VIII

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