Education Without Character

Modern parents want their children to pursue only job-oriented education. But what is the use of that education which does not bring about transformation in children? Neither are the children themselves benefited by this education nor are they able to render any help to their parents. Acquisition of education merely inflates their ego. Humility is the hallmark of true education. If a man lacks viveka (discrimination) and vinaya (humility), all his education is of no value. You should understand that your education is meant for the welfare and progress of society.

True education is that which gives the knowledge of the self. It originates from the heart. The reference in this context is to the spiritual heart and not the physical heart. The physical heart can become a cause of your anxiety and worry. On the other hand, spiritual heart is the source of true knowledge. Those who attain true knowledge and set ideals to society by translating their knowledge into action are truly noble souls. If you do not put your knowledge into practice then all your education becomes useless.

Put into practice at least one or two principles that you have learnt. Set an example to others by your ideal conduct. There are many learned men. But, do they practice what they have learnt? They appear to be ‘chief’, but in their conduct they are ‘cheap’. The end of education is character. We should consider character as our very life-breath. Education without character is useless like half-cooked rice. We should first practice at least one or two principles ourselves; only then should we venture to preach to others.

Students should strive to earn a good name in society. Today’s education is limited to gathering information about the outer world. It does not prepare the students to turn inward and listen to their inner voice. One should acquire atma prabodha (atmic knowledge), That is true education.

Everyone can have the vision of the atma. All are endowed with such power. Enquire within yourself what you have achieved by reading a number of voluminous books. You have become hard-hearted. If this is the result of your education, why should you study at all? First of all, develop love. When you have love in you, everyone will become your friend. If your heart is not suffused with love, your life will become artificial. Life is meaningless without love.

First and foremost, understand the fundamental principle of life. Beings are many, but the divine principle in them is one and the same. Hence, recognize the principle of divinity that is present in all in the form of the atma. The atma is the adhara (support) and the body is the adheya (that which is supported). Recognize the atma as the fundamental basis of your life and everything else will be taken care of.

Source: Sanathana Sarathi, Sept. 2005

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