God’s Residence

The more one loves one’s fellow beings, the greater would be the bliss that one enjoys. The more you love others, the happier you would be. Therefore, if you wish to be constantly happy, you must always love all. Love is the royal path to God. The best way to God is to love all and serve all.

Everyone wants to be happy. Such a desire is natural and it springs from the fact that man’s true nature is bliss. Bliss is the form of God but man does not understand that. He does not understand that he has originated from God, that life’s undercurrent is God, and that his final destination also is God. Bliss should be the goal, and one must seek it in all earnestness. The human body is temporary; hence, the pleasure that it can give is also fleeting. One must therefore seek that which is permanent, that is God, or, what is the same thing, bliss.

It is meaningless to seek bliss by way of instruments such as the sense organs that are impermanent. The body can give only bodily pleasure, and the mind can at best give mental satisfaction. But these do not represent bliss; Divine love alone is bliss. This love principle is present not only in man but also in all beings, birds, and beasts included. Therefore, one has to place the same value on the lives of all beings. Share the love latent within you with not only fellow human beings but also with all the creatures in nature. That is the true universal love principle. Such principle alone should be the basis of one’s life.

~Sathya Sai Discourse September 15, 2003
Source: Heart to Heart

God is not different from you. He is not confined to places like temples, mosques, and churches. He is omnipresent. He is the resident of your heart. The body is the temple of God. So, you should strengthen the feelings of love within you…

You identify yourself with the body, so you direct your love toward those with whom you have a relationship at the physical level. You are not able to manifest the kind of love that is beyond name and form. Love has no form. It does not differentiate between young and old or man and woman. Love is love. It cannot be compared to anything else. Love is the very form of the Divine. Love is God. Live in love. How to do that…?

Divinity, like light, is the witness of everything. Its effulgence illuminates everything else. Where does it exist? We find shanti (peace) within ashanti (unrest). In the depth of the peace, there exists prakanti (supreme splendor).

In this prakanti, one can experience Param jyoti (Divine effulgence). Param jyoti, in the form of atma jyoti (the light of the soul) is within you. That is the light of non-duality and eternity, of immortality; that is the light of the self.

Since you possess that light within yourselves, why should you be afraid of anything else? Why should you worry? Be happy. Where is happiness? How to experience it? Union with God is happiness. You should realize that love is the form of God.

~Sathya Sai Discourse, April 26, 1999
Source: Heart to Heart

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