Look Deep Within

So long as there remains a separate river distant from the ocean, which is its source and its goal, then the river will retain a separate name and have an individual identity. But once the river gets merged into the ocean, it gets the taste of the ocean, it gets the form of the ocean, and it takes on the name of the ocean. If you want to become one with the Lord, you have to get the feeling of the Lord, you have to get the form of the Lord, you have to get all the characteristics of the Lord, Himself. Only then can you become one with Him. You have to feel that all the attributes of the Lord should manifest themselves in you. “The broad mindedness of the Lord should become part of me. The selfless feelings, which characterize the Lord, should become part of me. The unbounded love of the Lord should become part of me.” When you have this feeling then you reach the position of “I and He are one,” there will be perfect unity. You must continuously strive for this feeling; you should make every effort to acquire it. Then one day you will reach that fulfillment. This is the ultimate goal of human life.

Digest 2, p. 136

He is in you, and it is God that has prompted you to project Him into the outer world, as this idol or that image, to listen to your outpouring and give you peace. Without the inspiration, solace, and joy that he confers from within, you will be raving mad, as one who has lost his moorings and is tossed about, rudderless on a stormy sea.  Hold on to Him in the heart, hear Him whisper in the silent words of counsel and consolation. Hold, converse with Him, guide your footsteps as He directs, and you reach the goal, safe and soon. The picture before which you sit, the flowers which you place on it, the hymns you recite, the vows you impose on yourselves, the vigils you go throughthese are activities that cleanse, that remove obstacles in the way of your getting aware of the God within.

My Baba and I, p. 16

My Dear! You will find it deep within yourself. Think it many times, ponder it. It tells you about your true nature. It gives you hope. It gives you new life. It points the way. It proves to you that God is within you and you are not man, man is God. It shows you that it is possible for you to realize God but you and you alone must ponder this work deeply. You will find that you will begin to know what is meant by the statement. “The self” cannot be explained, the mind knows of its existence. “The self-God” is within man. You are that self, all else is illusion of the mind’s creation, the mind that creates, preserves, and destroys. My love! The great joy, the subtlety of the bliss that you will feel as you come closer and closer to your real self, if you strive to find your self by using your mind, you will strive and strive in vain.

My Baba and I, p. 247

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