
Man need not undertake any special sadhanas (spiritual practices) to visualize the all-pervading truth. We call God by different names like Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwara. These are the names given by man to God based on some imaginary forms. But, who has actually perceived these forms? None so far. There is only one power in the world, which is all-pervasive. That is the power of love.

In fact all modes of powers are immanent in manavatwa (humanness) itself. It needs no special agent to vest it with any extra powers. The divine powerfully manifests itself in a human being. Human power cannot function without the help of divine power. There are four mahavakyas in the Vedas, namely, Tattwamasi (that thou art), Prajnanam Brahma (constant integrated awareness is Brahman), Ayam Atma Brahma (this atma itself is Brahman), and Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahman verily). The essence of these mahavakyas is further explained in the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. But, man is getting deluded as he is unable to understand the import of these mahavakyas. He is not able to realize divine power that in fact, is in his own self. The divinity in humanity expresses itself as Shaktitattwa (energy). Today man is striving to acquire several powers and make use of them for getting relieved of his sorrows and sufferings. In fact, these sorrows and worries are the stepping stones to divinity. Man should not give too much importance to these worries….

There are several types of sadhana in this world; bhrama sadhana (coming out of delusion) is one such…Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwara are not really existing in this world. They are only your imaginary forms. What really exist in the world is manavattwa (humanness). Unable to believe the humanness that is present right in front of your eyes, if you contemplate on divine nature, how can you find it? The name and form that you attribute to divinity, namely, Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwara are not real. They are only a mirage born out of your delusion. Everything is contained in the human being. You are Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwara and every conceivable name and form attributed to divinity. When you begin to believe that you are everything, there can be no cause for any kind of worry…. All these names and forms are products of your own imagination. There is no power greater than humanness in this world….

Keep your love securely. Never give up love under any circumstances. There is no God other than love. Love is God, verily. Love is your path, and goal. Never deviate from this path of love. If you find any difficulty in treading this path or if you have some doubt to get clarified, I am always there to help you. Try to reduce your doubts. These doubts will lead you to delusion. Always get yourself firmly established in the truth Tattwamasi (That thou art). It is a mistaken idea to think that this form has visualized that form of divinity, for you and God are not separate. Brahman is very much immanent in this body. Brahman and Aham are one and the same. Undertake sadhana to realize the oneness of these two. That is the ‘Pathway to God.’

Source: Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 37

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