The Philosophy of Yoga

Excerpts from the Divine Discourse delivered by Bhagawan on 30 May 1993.

In this age of technology, in order to maintain the burdensome family life and to bring more prosperity, man struggles day and night and exerts himself. Because of this exertion he becomes tired and loses sleep; and for sleep he takes sleeping pills or intoxicants and thereby spoils his health. Investigators began wondering why this happens and what is the solution to this problem. They eventually concluded that yoga is the solution to these ailments. Having lost mental peace and physical health because of the exertions in the world, following all perversities, ceaseless pining, limitless desires and entertaining meaningless anxieties he is working for the money he doesn’t deserve. He neglects the body and the mind to maintain his family and loses everything. People started searching for the way out of this. And as a result of this continuous investigation they could arrive at the right solution. On account of too much exertion man’s body is weakened. Due to the high rate of inhalation and exhalation, even the lungs are damaged. Since blood is circulating at a high speed, high blood pressure develops. For these diseases there seems to be no cure even if one takes the right medicines. Therefore, the investigators declared that Yoga alone is the only solution for peace, prosperity and happiness.

Carlton Cane, a physiology professor in an international university in America, discovered and concluded that, through Patanjali Yoga anything could be changed. Later, some other researchers conducted experiments at the university in Hawaii and recognized this truth too. Colleat, Sheaton and Johnson were the researchers and they conducted experiments in diversified ways. Among the three professors Johnson was quite astute. He didn’t have any inclination or faith in Yogasana, but after the research results, he understood the misconception he developed towards Yoga. It is said in Patanjali Yoga Sutra, ‘Chitta Vritti nirodhakaha’. When the vagaries of the mind are controlled one can accomplish anything in life, one can improve one’s mental and physical abilities – this was also a conclusion they arrived at. They publicized that yoga is a must if one wishes to maintain good health without spending a penny and without going to doctors.

Yashoda brought up Lord Krishna as her own child, earned the name that she is Krishna’s mother and rejoiced. But mother Devaki was despondent and thoughtful. One day she was thinking thus sitting under a tree:

It was not for me to see the wondrous deed of Your sucking away the life of Putana while she suckled You;
It was not for me to kiss Your wondrous belly, which ropes failed to bind;
It was given to me to suffer the labor pains to deliver You to the world;
It was given to Yashoda to fondle You and found joy: Though fertile, I became a barren women. Without begetting a son, Yashoda became the mother of a Great Son.

The Bharatheeyas of today have to lament in the same way. Though India is the mother of Yoga Sutras and Shad Darshanas, it is the foreigners who foster Yoga in their countries and derive immense benefit thereby. The Indians are reduced to the pitiable condition of learning Yoga in foreign lands. This must be considered a misfortune of the Bharatheeyas. Though all the mysterious, unique, powerful and sacred concepts have arisen from Bharath, you don’t make the effort to foster, protect or experience them.

Patanjali dedicated his life for the sake of yoga. Not only this. He propagated that human life is based upon health and that without health it cannot exist; that for all activities body is most essential and for the body discipline is most essential. And that the most important role of yoga is to impart this discipline. …

In Patanjali Yoga it is said that we should exercise control over the senses and also achieve unity of the senses. Unity…unity…unity… That’s why it is said – the proper study of mankind is man. What is this mankind? It’s the harmony of three – heart, word and action. Therefore, out of this unity we will develop purity; through purity we will step into Divinity. The moment we step into Divinity, the enmity will be set away. Therefore the Patanjali Yoga sutra confers the Divinity.

~Practice Yoga for Physical, Mental and Spiritual Well Being,
Source: Radio Sai; Sathya Sai Speaks

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