Unity & the World Today

“The mysteries of creation are marvelous. When two persons meet at any time or place, the differences between them are patent. Their forms and manners differ. They differ in their cleverness and intelligence. Their opinions also vary. Without understanding what underlies these differences, the materialist thinkers emphasize the differences. Today, growing numbers of intellectuals, ignoring the unity that underlies the diversity, propagate the cult of differences. The good persons who realize the unity behind the apparent diversity are dwindling in numbers from day to day. This is highly unfortunate. Man’s foremost task is to recognize the unity that underlies the multiplicity. If one enquires into the matter with a pure and unselfish mind, one will see what is common to all beings. Birth and death are common to all men. Hunger and thirst are experienced by every person. These are truths that apply to all persons, whether they are destitute or millionaires, whether they are scholars or ignorant men.”

Sanathana Sarathi, Aug. 1993, p. 197

“Embodiments of love! There is only one thing you have to offer to me today. Pray that people in all countries, nay, the entire humanity, should be happy and at peace. (‘Lokaa Samasthas Sukhino Bhavanthu’). (‘Let all the worlds be happy’). Then alone there will be real unity. Do not wish merely for the peace and prosperity of India alone. Pray for the welfare of all countries. All are our brothers, whether they are in Pakistan or America or elsewhere.”

Sanathana Sarathi, Dec. 1993, p. 315

“True science should foster the well-being of the people and promote unity amongst them. Unity will lead to purity, and both will lead to Divinity. Today there is none of these. We have only ‘community’ (caste). It is this communal feeling that is the cause of conflict. Giving up all differences based on caste or creed, people should regard themselves as children of one human family. There is only one religion, the religion of humanity. Students should develop this spirit of unity.”

Sanathana Sarathi, Dec. 1993, p. 320

“As the body is for the jivi [individual soul], the world is for the Lord. Whatever happens in any part of the body affects the jivi; so too; all that affects any part of the world moves the Lord; He becomes the cognizant of it and reacts to it.”

Gita Vahini, p. 70

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