Youth are the Future of the World

Since the sense organs are highly potent, the first and foremost task for man is to bring them under his control for leading an ideal life. Because young people today have lost control over their senses, all their actions and behavior are devious. They do not know how to sit properly in the class-room, how to walk about, how to read, how to sleep and how to behave towards their parents, teachers, elders and friends.

They betray lack of concentration even while talking to somebody, by casting their looks hither and thither. They make unnecessary gestures and odd movements of all their limbs as if they are dancing while engaged in conversation or speech making.

Students should avoid unnecessary curiosity in respect of matters which do not directly concern them. If they indulge in excessive talk with all and sundry or if they go on interfering in others’ affairs, they will make themselves unpopular and unwanted by others. Everybody will try to avoid such people and thus they will lose the respect of all.

Today young people do not know how to sit properly while reading or writing etc. They sit with their backs bent and drooping like 80 year old people. This causes various ailments and leads to premature old age. While walking or sitting, you must be straight like a rod, keeping the spine erect. There is a physiological reason for this. A very important nerve called the Sushumna Naadi, runs through the spinal column, from its base in the Mooladhara to the Sahasraara at top of the head. If this gets bent, serious results will follow.

Summer Showers 1990, pp. 61-62

The body is like a water bubble, which emerges from water, stays on water for a while, and merges back in water. So also the bubble called “Nara” (man) has emerged from the water called “Narayana” (God) and merges back in Him. Only when we recognize this divine origin of the human being, will we take care to maintain and use the human body in an appropriate manner. Although the body is a mere instrument, its use has to be regulated according to prescribed standards and limits. Every object in the world is governed by certain regulations. It has rightly been said that we cannot achieve any success or progress without observing such discipline. The body too is governed by certain regulations. We should develop purity in or thoughts, feelings, looks, and actions.

Summer Showers 1990, pp. 26-27

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