Mother’s Love

Mother’s love is an indescribable feeling. It is unconditional. No matter what you do your mother will always love you. It is difficult to put this in words, as a mother’s love is incommunicable. The mother is prepared to go to any length and sacrifice for the sake of the children. She will sacrifice even her life to protect her children. Mother is the very foundation of everything.

When I was little, one of my favorite books used to be Mama do you love me. In this story a little girl would propose many situations where the child does bad things and asks her mother if she still loved her. Her mother would repeatedly answer, I will love you till the stars turn into fish in the sky, and the puffin, a small arctic bird, howls at the moon. Telling the little girl that no matter what she did, even if, her mother would be upset with her she would never stop loving her.

At this point I would like to quote Shri Shankaracharya: Mother, you are our Atman. You are our paramatattva. There is nothing more dear and desirable than you.

~Aditya Natraj

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