A Letter from Liverpool

I arrived in London on Thursday, 12th Septem­ber [1963], and found I could not get admission in any college for the course in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. I went to Glasgow but there, too, I was told I was late. I was very upset by these reverses and I proceeded to Edinburgh; there also I was disappointed. I was late everywhere. The colleges had closed their admissions. I returned sad and tired to Glasgow.  I cried out at night to Baba. I had no one in this strange cold land to rescue me. He had asked me to proceed to Britain for higher studies in Tropical Medicine and He had facilitated my passage and journey. Now I was on the verge of despair. Where am I to go next? I did not know. There was no one to advise me. I had no friends.

Photo of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai BabaThat night, Baba appeared in my dream. I saw Him clearly in the dream—dark red silk robe, lovely assuring smile, full of grace. “My boy!” He accosted me, “Go to Liverpool early tomorrow. I have reserved one seat for you there. How can I neglect you when I have Myself sent you to the U.K.?

I took the train to Liverpool the next day. I saw the Administrative Secretary of the School of Tropical Medicine and I told him, I wanted to do my D T M & H. Believe me, Mr. Kasturi, a great leela [Divine play] of Baba happened! The Secretary said, “You are very lucky. Today is the last day for admissions to this course. We had no vacancies till just an hour ago; but here is the letter from a candidate whom we had admitted, cancelling his application! It looks as if you have come just in time to fill that vacant seat! I congratulate you on your good luck.” He did not know that my luck began the day I was accepted by Baba.

I got admission on Thursday, my second [time], in Britain! Classes have begun; and I pray that I may remember Baba’s grace every moment of my life.

~Dr. D. J. Gadhia, M.B.B.S.,
Hotel, Liverpool, 21-9-1963
Source: Sanathana Sarathi, Oct. 1963

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