Oh, Ye of Little Faith!

A friend with whom I work has listened to my endless tales of Sai Baba’s miracles and power with doubt and teasing. But he did not ever scoff or deny His grace and even asked me for some of Bhagavan’s vibhuti [blessed ash] when his mother was ill. His name is Tony De Paco, and although his mother recovered at the time, she made her transition a year later.

One night, Tony asked me if I would drive him to where his auto had stalled. The starter was quite active, but the motor was not responsive. I suggested we sprinkle some vibhuti on the motor.

Photo of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai BabaTony said that the electricity or the petrol was not reaching the motor, and that he would just leave his auto until he could return and fix it.

But I prevailed and Tony allowed me to place vibhuti on the motor before he tried again to start the obstinate auto that was very old and worn. The motor started, much to our delight, and Tony started the many miles home while I followed in my car.

We finally arrived where I should turn to go to my home, and there Tony wanted me to turn off and he would continue the two miles further to his residence.

But Tony was a good man. I decided I would follow him in case the auto stopped again. I was very grateful for this decision of mine when I saw Tony’s auto stopped dead a short distance further.

I stopped and went toward Tony. I was expecting his gratitude for my gesture, so I was dismayed to hear him say in disgust, “Now see what you have done! You have stopped this motor again. Baba’s vibhuti had it running, and you did not have the faith to turn off. So your lack of faith has stopped the motor.”

While I was towing him home, I thought, ” I talked like the devotee—but it was Tony who had the faith. How wrong I was to feel superior!”

~John Eversole, Santa Barbara, Ca. U.S.A.
Source: Sanathana Sarathi, April 1978

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