The Clang 

The family of Sethu Madhavan Nair, about eight miles away from the house where a few months back Naxalites committed the most gruesome killings, received a threatening letter from them, on 1‑3‑71. They felt that the Namasankirtan was their only shield. They decided on Akhanda Namabhajan for a week, six days, during day‑light hours, and on the seventh day all the 24 hours! The valedictory function was celebrated with immense joy and the atmosphere was most inspiring.

Photo of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

It must be mentioned that Baba has been revealing His presence by miraculous manifestations in the shrine room of the house. This must have been the immediate reason for the ire that was aroused in the hearts of atheists and votaries of violence.

On the 8th, at 5 A.M., when Sethu Madhavan was near the washbasin at the back of the house by the side of an open window, a fellow appeared at the window and threw with fatal force a heavy chopper on the man! But Baba was quicker! He drew the devotee suddenly to the corner of the room, away from the fatal blow, holding him quick round the body.

He actually felt Baba drawing him away! The chopper fell with a clang on the floor; Vibhuti had dropped all over the place

Source: Sanathana Sarathi, April 1971


The stream of Love which flows from Me is the Holy Ganga. Some do catch fish, others wash cattle, many wash clothes, but a large number bathe in the river in a spirit of devotion, praying, “O Holy Mother Ganga! Make me pure, cleanse my heart from wicked wayward thoughts”. My Love is as the Ganga.
