Your Birthday Gift

In this moving Divine discourse, Bhagavan Baba highlights the only gift He wants from his devotees for His 60th birthday: selfless service to the needy, suffering, and impoverished in all lands.

You must be thinking about the gift that you have to offer Swami on this birthday. You can be happy that you have given Swami a proper gift only when you love your fellowmen, share their sufferings, and engage yourselves in serving them. That is the only gift I wish for. The present given to God has to be pure, steady, and selfless love.

Photo of Sathya Sai BabaOn this birthday I have only one desire: to promote your ananda [bliss]. You are planning programs for the forthcoming 60th birthday [of Swami]. I want you to adopt at least 6000 villages, and improve them through proper means into ideal villages before My birthday. Rich and powerful people have plenty of servants. But the distressed, poverty-stricken, and those who suffer have no one to serve them. Go to such people and be their friends, their kith and kin, and their closest well-wishers. Let them welcome you as such.

If you pour spirituality into the ears of those who are tortured by hunger, it will not be assimilated. First, quench the hunger. Give them God in the form of food. Give them God in the form of clothes. Give God in the form of peace to those afflicted with anxiety. Give God in the form of medicine to those who are suffering from ill health. Give God in whatever form to assuage fear, pain, and sorrow. It is only when this is done that spirituality can soak into the heart. If you act otherwise, instead of spiritual feelings, you will be promoting atheism.

Sai-principle is not egoistic

Hence, units of our Organization have to provide education, medical service, and communication facilities in these 6000 villages. There are villages where people thirst for drinking water. The government cannot provide all these conveniences by itself. Without the cooperation of the people, the government cannot do anything. Government is not a free entity. It is based on people’s support. It can work only when the people cooperate actively. Without depending on the government, you must carry on the development of society through your own strength. That is real sadhana [spiritual exercise] and seva [service]. Strive to become embodiments of prema (love). Be ready to offer all your capabilities and skills to the Lord of all. It is God’s love that rewards you when you engage yourselves in japa, tapa, or yaga (repetition of God’s name, penance, ritual of sacrifice). What greater achievement can you strive for than receiving Divine love from God?

However, you must thoroughly understand the nature and significance of this love. You are now experiencing and sharing this love at the level of your awareness of the principle. This is a mistake. It is too literal an interpretation. The principle of love has no trace of ego or blemish. It is fully free from selfish attachments. Whatever Sai does, whatever Sai thinks, whatever Sai says, and whatever Sai observes, it is all for your sake and not for Sai’s sake. My only desire is your joy [ananda]. Your ananda is My ananda. I have no ananda apart from yours. You might infer, “Swami is doing this, is doing that.” But it is not for My sake; it is for your sake. I spoke about this during the last birthday. I do not spend even a naya paisa [Indian penny] for my sake [believe it or not]. Whatever I do, I do solely for the sake of the society.

Though I am 56 years old, I have not got even one shirt or gown stitched for Me. I am now wearing what is given to Me by a student, Radhakrishna, from the Kingdom of Sathya Sai [association of alumni students]. Never has the thought that “I must have this or that” ever arisen in Me. It is not arising now. It will not arise at any time. All my thoughts are only for the peace and welfare of the world, for the progress of youth, and for transforming ideal boys and girls who will lead others along the path. You must render enthusiastic service to all the people of the world, recognizing that the Sai-principle has no egoistic urge.

Victorious days are coming

At the end of this month, I will travel around Bharat [India], blessing those who are unable to come here because they lack the strength or the resources to do so. I wish to give them the chance and give them joy [of seeing Me]. An important point here: Instead of arranging programs for Swami in towns and cities, have them in villages. Reduce expenses and save money in order to provide facilities in the villages. I desire to move about in every village. But you have to make proper preparatory arrangements. I can even come on foot but hundreds of thousands of people are bound to gather, and you must see that they are well looked after. When you undertake to fulfill this need in a village, I will come and spread the principles and practices of Bharatiya [Indian] culture.

I am resolved to foster ananda through the revival and re-establishment of the Bharatiya way of life. This will happen without fail. Bharatiya dharma [Indian righteous path] can certainly be offered to other countries. There is no need to despair or indulge in self-condemnation. The days of victory are coming. We can sound the drum of triumph.

Embodiments of the Divine atma [self], you may not be able to see it, but it is clear to Me. As days pass, even those who are not able to recognize the truth of Swami now will have to approach with tears of repentance and experience Me. Very soon, this [movement] will be worldwide. Swami is now restraining this development. When once it is allowed to manifest, the whole world will be transformed into Prasanthi Nilayam [the abode of supreme peace]. So come forward, all of you, determined to practice the ideals laid before you. In the coming years you may not get the chances you are having now. You will not have the opportunity to be so close to Me. Millions will rush to this place, and gather here. This will happen soon, and so earn the compassion of Swami and His love through seva [service] activities and fill your lives with meaning.

Sai movement will be triumphant

The diamond is cut into various facets. Its price increases with each additional facet as it shines better and better. Those who cannot tolerate the progress of the [Sai] Organization, of the Sai-principle it embodies and unfolds, might decry or defame, ridicule or obstruct, but the movement will not falter. It will advance more triumphantly, regardless of the obstruction. These will only foster and help spread the splendor. Hate springs from an evil nature, from asuya (envy). But the [Sai] movement is based on the absence of asuya (envy). Do not pay any attention to such things. Vow among yourselves to follow the ideals and duties that have been laid down, and devote yourselves to the Organization, and its programs.

Having come to this place and availed yourselves of this opportunity, treasure in your hearts the things you have seen and heard, and resolve to practice them. Your resolution and practice must be simultaneous. Have a master plan, and start from tomorrow the execution of the program, drawn in consultation with others. This must happen in all countries. Do not think that only the Andhra state [the state where Swami resides] is Sai’s. All are Sai’s. All are one. We must endeavor by all means to realize and establish this truth in this Kali Yuga [the present era].

This is the message I am giving you today. I am fulfilling all your desires. So you must fulfill this one desire of mine.

I bless that you all should have long life, good health, ananda, peace and prosperity, and that you should devote your physical, mental, intellectual, and spiritual strength and skills to the service of the country and all mankind.

Source: Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 15

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