Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference

From May 23-26, 1997, amid the natural splendors of the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania, more than 700 devotees gathered at Camp Akiba to concentrate on the conference theme “Dharma (right action)—Our Way of Life.”

Swami tells us that “Love in action is dharma.” And certainly love in action was the common thread running throughout the weekend’s activities, from the first arrivals of the volunteers who came early to set up the main bhajan hall and Baba’s room to the young adults who spontaneously began directing traffic in the parking lot to the many loving hands that prepared the meals to the joyous voices raised in song to the enlightening words of the workshops and guest speakers to the last departing Sai Ram, love was clearly the unifying theme that brought us together as a Sai family.

On Saturday morning, our guest speakers, Jack and Louise Hawley, spoke about the six landscapes of love. They reminded us that we need to move ourselves from the non-loving state of wanting love through the worldly levels of feeling love, doing love and giving love to the spirituality of being love. From the Hawley’s work with various groups in many different countries around the globe, they have found that love is the single energizing force moving us from community to unity, then on to purity, and finally arriving at Divinity.

During the day on Saturday, we all basked in the warm glow of Sai’s sunshine and love. The scenic landscape, the soothing greenery, and the clear mountain air renewed our bodies as we refreshed our spirits and shared the insights of the workshop speakers. Some workshops focused on the individual aspects of love in action through meditation, self-inquiry, namasmarana (reciting the name of God) and personal health, while others emphasized the interactive dimensions of love in organizational behaviors, developing unity, bhajan singing, and the guru-disciple relationship. The highlight of Saturday evening’s activities was a thoroughly enjoyable musical drama, lovingly presented by the young adults, on the power of positive thinking and love for God.

The presence of children of all ages added to the joy and purity of the weekend. A full range of activities—including stories, drama, mask making, creating book marks and singing, as well as learning bhajans—was offered during the three days. The youngest of the children enjoyed the playground and arts and crafts activities in the loving care of volunteers. The older children, among other activities, shared comments on a film that presented many opportunities to identify what right action is, which characters were acting in a manner that was consistent with right action and what leadership really meant. Outdoor activities included a challenge course and boating.

When we awoke Sunday morning, we found that Sai was showering His love on us in the form of life-giving rain. Although the cool rainy weather may have dampened our enthusiasm for outdoor activities, the downpour also brought us closer together when we moved inside to escape the wet weather. Our Sunday morning guest speaker, Dr. Raghvendra Prasad mentioned briefly the j unifying aspect of the rain as he expounded on the transforming power of love in his personal life and on his work at the overseas devotees medical camps in Prashanti Nilayam.

Throughout the weekend, Swami provided us with many chances to realize love in action. Lastminute schedule changes, inclement weather and unexpected events were only a few of the ways in which our Lord gave us frequent opportunities to put His teachings into practice. Surrounded by the atmosphere of love and devotion, sometimes it was easy to saturate our actions with love. But as we reflect on the experiences of the weekend, let us renew our firm resolve to carry that loving environment within us as we returned to the hurry and worry of our daily lives. Let the still small voice within us become a silent mantra repeating love in action, love in action.

~Marion Chew
Bethesda, Maryland, USA

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