Assert with Every Breath

“When a person is yearning for the precious goal of self-realization,
all the forces of nature and all Creation will help and render all assistance.”

Aim   resolve on the most Supreme adventure—
everything will be set right to lead you on to the goal.

“Infact, you are urged on toward this adventure by your very breath,
which repeats…’He-I’ ‘Soham,’ emphasizing the identity of the indweller
with the principle that is immanent in the Universe.”

“The breath repeats ‘He’ as it goes in and ‘I’ as it goes out,
making it clear that He who is immanent is the I that is resident.”

“That Thou Art-That is the Divine,
out of which all this arose, of which all this is,
into which all this merges.”

This truth must be experienced, tasted by the heart.

“Service rendered in the faith
that all are forms of the One God
is the highest action.”

“You are immortal; you are bliss, power, Wisdom.”

~Adorine Albanese
New York, USA

Source: Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 7

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