Reflections from A Garden Chair

Seated in the garden in the summer months, a cherished time,
On a chair strong and sturdy, made of steel and sedately white,
After a short walk of ten and five minutes, a welcome respite,
Every morn and eve when the sun’s rays seem more friendly,
I enjoy my solitude spent with nature with its green abundance,
A time that is aligned with the blessings I received from Lord Sai.

At these times of communion with nature, my mind is stilled,
The mind that is in constant chatter, flitting from one to the next,
Takes a pause and lets the silence of joy to enter its own domain,
What a lesson taught by Sai! In the deep silence the divine enters,
Fills one with peace that is beyond human perception and reach,
As such are these precious moments in my garden chair every day.

Seated on this white chair made of steel and strength, in deep silence,
In the front garden which bears so many lovely trees and floral bushes
That we had planted so lovingly with so much care and a warm touch,
That which brings the nostalgic memories of my dear erstwhile partner,
Whose loving labor entwined with mine, too, wove this garden’s magic,
I let these memories pass undisturbed, leaving me with precious peace.

I watch as the little seed buried in the ground sprouting in its birth,
A gift from mother earth to all, a promise of a strong future floral bush,
I watch the flowers already in bloom displaying their beauty in all hues,
Didn’t Sai teach us the divine source that created all the wonderful glory?
I watch the towering trees, maples, double cherries with its greenery,
All displaying enchanting colors, all these, the creator’s divine charm.

I watch as the birds fly from branch to branch, finally finding the feeder,
Wherein the bird seeds entice them for a flitting feed to suffice their need,
I hear their twittering sounds of songs from all directions far far above,
Some melodious reaching loved ones, some querulous with a complaint,
I watch the squirrels with a stealthy look hopping beneath the bushes,
As they look for the seeds fallen on the grass, contented they run off.

I watch as the passers-by walk on the road facing me, mask-covered,
Sometimes with their family, sometimes alone jogging for a physical,
At times walking a dog or two on a leash, waving me as they pass by,
Mostly from the neighboring residence, drawing my attention to them,
I see in them, as our Beloved Sai taught, that spark, that divine spark.
Isn’t it a wonder that those under Sai charm learn this basic divine law?

At times my child from the neighboring house, grown up with her family,
Joins me for a maternal time as an offspring, a delightful time amidst all,
Yes, amidst all my solitary reverie, a welcome interlude warmly offered,
Makes life richer, more blessed with such divine gifts, more varied joy,
Seated in my white garden chair, strong and sturdy, time ticks on and on,
As I rise up from the chair, calm and contented, to wend my way back.

           ~Kanaga Ranganathan, July 16, 2020.

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