Sai Spoke Thus

Pray thus:

Let my thoughts, pure and holy, arise, O Lord, as incense to Thee.

Let my Heart—Thy shrine—beat in rapture, O Lord, for Thee.

Let my hands bestow radiant acts of service, Lord, to Thee.

Let my feet, in joyful cadence dance along the lighted path with Thee.

Say thus:

Sai and i do the dance of life; I live in His Cosmic Form;

Never were we ever apart; never was I born;

Within His galaxies of Space, I’ve lost myself in His shining face.

Soaring, blending, pure and free, … … I am He; He is me.

Before you close the door to someone’s need

before you turn aside

before you retreat into selfish solitude

Ask yourself … … what would Sai Baba Do?

What door does He close?

When does He turn aside?

To where does He retreat? What solitude does He seek?

The reply you get is “Never, nowhere, none.”

See Sai in every pair of eyes;

Hear Sai in every sound;

Breathe in Sai with every breath;

Recline in Sai as a planet reclines in spate.

Be Sai to everyone you are involved with.

Love and lift.

That is My message and My work.


~Denise Eversole
Sanathana Sarathi, July 1974

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