Thanks to Lord Sai, Hope Eternal Springs in Our Hearts

To Thee, dear Lord of all creation, I surrender all my fears and hopes,

In my struggle for sanity in times of tragic tales and torrential tears,

I see Thy smiling face sending forth love, eternal divine love to all,

Like a beacon streaming light to forlorn sailors tossed in a stormy sea,

Thou art everywhere, brighter than million suns, showing the path.

A path to tread, lighted with hope born of faith, a lantern to guide us,

Thanks to Thee, Dear Lord Sai, Hope eternal springs in our hearts.


To Thee, dear Lord of the vast cosmos, I pray for Thy divine rules,

What cannot be changed, what destiny decrees, graciously accept it,

With flapping wings and flailing arms, our fierce fight ends in naught,

As you dive deep within, thoughts miraculously stilled, silence sweeps,

In that stillness, in that vast expansiveness, listen to the voice of Sai,

That voice whispers words of courage, words of wisdom and hope,

Thanks to Thee, Dear Lord Sai, Hope eternal springs in our hearts.


To Thee, dear Lord of effulgence, I oft seek Thy refuge and succor,

With my seeking, an energy so soothing envelops me with hope,

I see Thy divine hand at work, I open my eyes to enjoy Thy breath,

I strain my hearing to listen to Thy invisible footsteps everywhere,

I open my heart, wide to welcome Thy Love that flows so fast,

I feel so content and peaceful with all dark thoughts chased off,

Thanks to Thee, Dear Lord Sai, Hope eternal springs in our hearts.


To Thee, dear Lord beyond names and forms, I turn to thee often,

With Thy walking beside me to hold me in Thy embrace, I rejoice

Now I see all the beauty around me, spring is here with its bloom,

Cherry blossoms a pretty pink canopy in my yard, a beauty to behold,

Daffodils dancing in the breeze, peonies with the dormant buds

Hint of a glory yet to be seen, maple bush spreading its red mantle,

Thanks to Thee, Dear Lord Sai, Hope eternal springs in our hearts.


To Thee, dear Lord of infinite compassion, I see Thy golden touch

In every bit of nature’s glory, a glory that drives these fears away,

The sun in the horizon awakening to the birds’ symphony, so melodious,

Red Robin sat motionless beneath the branches, as if in sync with us all,

Sensing our sadness for awhile but its innate joy made it hop and sing,

Regaining its motion, it hopped from bough to bough, twittering loud,

Thanks to Thee, Dear Lord Sai, Hope eternal springs in our hearts.


To Thee, dear Lord of our strength and hope, Thou art our sole refuge,

Though seemingly vanquished by this invisible foe, we shall arise soon,

A nightmare dream that engulfs us now shall soon fade into shadow,

A terrible ordeal that binds humanity in a happy unison, strong in love,

Divisions losing its grip, families united in strength, money with no hold,

That is the glorious picture I envisage, with Thee by our side for survival,

Thanks to Thee, Dear Lord Sai, Hope eternal springs in our hearts.

              ~Kanaga Ranganathan, April 4, 2020

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