Thoughts and Desires
John Hislop: Swami, conflict between people appears to be inevitable. What to do?
SAI: Conflicts do come about, but they should be limited to that point, to the fact of conflict and should not be allowed to spread into additional words and feelings. If the conflict is allowed to expand, anger will deepen, bitter feelings will arise, and strong hatred will develop. On the other hand, love also starts as a point, and if allowed to do so, will expand until it fills one’s entire life. This is spiritual truth. If there is conflict and disharmony between two people, and if they will leave it at that and not allow it to move further, then before long both parties will soften and harmony can again come into the relationship. At the worst, the conflict will remain dormant and will not grow to involve other people.
My Baba And I, p. 207
Q: How to feel that divine Love in the heart?
SAI: Your love, My love, they are the same. There is only One and He is God.
Q: Do you mean we should affirm that, that we should always say it?
SAI: Here is humanity (pointing to a line in the wall denoting a layer of bricks). Below is the world, above is God Aim up, not down. You are God. There is only One. For so many lives you have been declaring that you are human, with limitations, “I am faulty…I am…so and so…” That is wrong. Now say, “I am God.” Never feel or say that you are other than God. You will show Godly qualities. You will have Godly powers. You will be God. Thoughts, If there are no thoughts, there are no actions.
My Baba And I, p. 218
Q: But what to do about bad thoughts and desires?
SAI: Human thoughts and desires. If you think, “I am human,” then such human aspects as anger and jealousy will be reflected and will return to you. But you are not human. You are Divine. You are God. Think and feel, “I am Divine.” Then you will think and feel only love, for God is Love. Everyplace, everything is Love, Love only.
Q: But Swami, the mistakes I make, even though I know better, I make the same mistakes. Can I give you my repeated mistakes?
SAI: Once, or twice, or three times perhaps the same mistake, but repeating and repeating is not mistake. It is habit!
John Hislop: Swami says that if one is so fortunate as to have God’s Love, then no spiritual practice, no sadhana is necessary?
SAI: Yes, If you have God loving you, then no sadhana, no meditation, no inquiry, nothing more is needed, for then everything is God, thoughts are of God, only God is seen, the whole day is God only.
My Baba And I, Pp. 220-221.