Out of the Mouth of Babes

As Anjali lay in bed, she thought about Swami’s birthday, which was coming soon, and what would be the nicest gift to give Him, [the one] who held the entire world in His hands. Even though she was thousands of miles away from Him, she could feel His love all around her. She reflected over how tirelessly Swami took care of everyone, yet the people never showed any gratitude. “I wonder how patient I’d be if I were in His place,” she thought aloud.

The moonlight was streaming into her bedroom window, and the world outside was asleep and quiet. As she gazed outside, a bright lonely star high up in the sky caught her eye. “Is that You, Swami?” she asked the star. “Are You up there watching over us?” She sighed and said, “Poor Swami, He must be so tired trying to teach people to behave themselves.” Anjali gazed at the star once more. All of a sudden, she felt herself being drawn into the star like a magnet….it was pulling her in. She felt herself land on something as soft and fragrant as a rose petal, and as she looked around she could see the earth at a distance. She realized to her amazement that she was sitting on the palm of Baba’s hand. She looked up and stared right into Baba’s beautiful smiling face. Baba had taken a huge form surrounded by a brilliant aura of love and was now bending over her whispering something—”I will show you the world through My eyes. You will understand the truth behind everything.”

Photo of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai BabaAnjali looked back at the lovely earth far at a distance. Suddenly she got a jolt, and then felt an ocean of love and waves pouring forth from her and embracing scenes that passed before her eyes. “Swami, the earth looks beautiful. I can see everything with love and compassion.”

“Yes. If only man would understand how lucky he is to take human birth, he would treat his fellow beings with the same love that you now feel, for the love that you now feel radiates from Me and its light envelops the entire world to ultimately flow back to Me.”

Anjali thought about this for a minute. Then she asked, “My parents tell me ‘do this’ and ‘do that’, and they get tired after a while. But You teach the whole world, Swami. Don’t You ever get tired?”

“No, My eyes are always on My children, day and night and every second. I keep watch over all of you. I have come to make man understand the truth, that he is God and that he is born on the earth for the purpose of realizing this. Besides, all of them down there provide me with much entertainment,” He said with a laugh. “But, Swami, don’t You ever have to punish anyone?” queried Anjali. Then His face grew serious. “I do not punish anyone. Through man’s own wrongdoings he will receive retribution, and through his good deeds he earns merit. My love and grace pour forth. It is up to man to earn them through merit or reject them through demerit. Some seek my guidance and listen to me…others don’t,” He ended with a sigh.

Anjali sat quiet for a while, digesting all of this information. Then she asked hopefully, “May be if You shouted at them, or spoke louder, then they would listen, wouldn’t they?” “Well, they can hear two voices: Mine and their egos’. They can hear My voice coming from their hearts, but many choose to listen to the voice of their ego instead,” Swami replied.

“What is ‘ego’, Baba?”

“How shall I explain it to you, My innocent child? Let’s see… ego is when people think to themselves ‘I am the best’, ‘I know everything’, and ‘I am right and others are all wrong’. It is when God tells you to do one thing and you do the opposite because you think you know better. Ego makes man selfish and greedy.” Swami pointed to a war scene back on the earth. “Look at the way they are fighting. Each side thinks that it is right and refuses to listen to the other when their opinions differ. They immediately begin to fight, as if fighting will solve all of their problems. Many die and sorrow descends on all sides,” said Baba sadly.

Anjali watched the horrible scene for a minute, then noticed something. “Why is there a grey cloud around the war, Swami?” “Well, when many egos clash, the scene is enveloped in a grey aura,” replied Swami. Anjali noticed something else and pointed it out. “Look at those pretty cows grazing in the pasture over there, Swami. They have a pink cloud around them.”

“Do you know why? Pink is the color of eternal love. The few who are surrounded by pink understand My message and are closer to Divinity. Animals follow their dharma [right action] and do not need to be taught how to behave. The only trouble is teaching man the lessons of life,” explained Swami.

Anjali pondered over this. Then she asked, “Swami, do you love some people more than others?” “No, little one, I love all of you equally. You see, I separated Myself from Myself in order to have someone to love and someone to love Me. But humans have forgotten to love God”, replied Swami.

Swami looked so sad that Anjali felt doleful as well, and she hastened to reassure Him. She stood up on His palm and hugged His thumb. “I love You very much, Swami.”

Love shone in Swami’s eyes with the glow of a million stars as He looked at her. “Yes, I know, Anjali. That is why I am talking with you. Man has to become as small and pure-hearted as a child like you and listen to Me. Then he will learn to love both God and his fellow beings.” At this point, try as she might Anjali could not stop a large yawn from escaping her.

“You must be sleepy, My child, I shall send you home now,” said Swami, gently stroking the little girl’s hair.

“But, Swami, you must be even more tired than I am. Why don’t You take a nap, and I watch the world for You?” replied Anjali.

“Little one, your parents will miss you. But perhaps someday I’ll be able to close My eyes and sleep while you keep watch on the world for Me. That would be a lovely birthday gift,” said Swami, smiling sweetly.

Anjali readied herself to go home. Then she turned around and asked, “Swami, I just have one more question. When You look at me do I have a grey or pink cloud?”

“My precious, you are neither grey nor pink. You are far beyond the colors that your eyes can perceive. In truth, you are Me and I am you”

~Alka Pradhan, Class X Ohio, U.S.A.
Source: Sanathana Sarathi, April 1998

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