Develop Atmic Vision

“The term used for integral vision is sudarshana, which means good vision. People today have three kinds of vision. The first type is body-oriented. It is superficial. The nature of people who have it is such that they see only the external appearance of others—such as dress, ornaments worn, facial features, body size and characteristics, peculiarities of speech, and the like. This type of vision is completely oriented toward the phenomenal world.

“The second type is mental vision. Rather than focusing on the external characteristics of people, those with mental vision perceive the behavior of others as reflected in their conduct and expressions. Therefore, people with mental vision try to ascertain the feelings emanating from another’s heart and the thoughts going through the other’s mind, as these manifest in what they say and do. In other words, the mentally-oriented person focuses on outward actions that reflect the inner being. The attitude of one with such a vision allows people to always speak and act as they feel and think.

“The third kind of vision is atmic vision. Those who have atmic vision do not restrict their perception only to other people’s external features or to their inner feelings as revealed by their behavior and expressions. Rather, people of the third type have developed an integral vision. They see the inner unity, the divine consciousness that pervades everyone, despite differences in body and behavior. They realize that feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns all undergo change and transformation. Therefore, those with atmic vision do not develop an interest or a special like or dislike for people’s bodily make-up or ways of expression. Their vision is wholly oriented towards the in-dwelling divinity. This is a sacred vision.”

~Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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