Small Teachings

Surrender all you have to the Lord. Sometimes, when you have some extra cash with you, you hand it over to a trusted friend and request him to safeguard it for you, saying, “I’m afraid I’ll spend it if it’s in my hands, I cannot trust myself.” God is the friend in whom you can put your trust. So hand over to Him all you have and be free and happy.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 6, p. 62

Your soul is of the same nature as God. But, like the Prince who has fallen into a den of robbers and is growing up there, the soul has not recognized its identity, that is all. Though he does not know it, he is nevertheless the Prince, whether he is in the palace, forest, or the robber’s den. Very often, the Prince gets intimations of his real heritage, a call from his inner consciousness to escape and become himself. That is the hunger of the ‘soul’, the thirst for lasting joy. You are all like the man who has forgotten his name. The hunger of the mind can be appeased only by the acquisition of wisdom, the knowledge of the truth.

Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. 2, p. 52

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