Be Unaffected

In a normal baby, there exists real samachittha, for there is no desire (except the instinctive desire for food, drink, and maternal protection), to agitate it. The baby is the inheritor of immortality; so it is unaffected by anxiety that haunts the adult. The word samachittha is in common parlance taken to mean sheer equanimity—an unshaken balance when confronted by success or failure, loss or gain, pleasure or pain. But ‘sama’ has another and more significant meaning, namely Brahman, the Universal Eternal Absolute principle. Samachittha, therefore, in its philosophical sense means a consciousness established in the Absolute Brahman, and as a consequence above and beyond the storms and stillness of the world of duality.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 12

Do not pine for more years on earth but for more virtues in the heart. The Buddha knew and made known to the world the truths: Everything is grief. Everything is empty. Everything is brief. Everything is polluted. So, the wise man has to do the duties cast upon him with discrimination, diligence, and detachment. Play the role but keep your identity unaffected. Have your head in the forest ashram (retreat), unaffected by the aimlessly rushing world. But it is your duty, a duty you cannot escape, to fully engage yourself in your work, unconcerned with loss or gain, failure or success, and slander or praise.

You must only engage yourself in work that is purifying, with an attitude that sanctifies. Most people do not know how to set about on this most rewarding adventure. They waste their lives in sorrow, wading through disappointment and despair, for they cling to something as theirs and treat something else as belonging to others. They grab and grieve, and labor to acquire and lose. Desire multiplies desire, and man sinks deeper into discontent and distress. The behavior is artificial; it does not conform to man’s real nature, the prompting of his atman, which is Divine. In the universal, eternal sea of change, the atman alone is above change.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 13

If you really want relief from this life, then even while God is prepared to take you away any moment, you should be prepared to give up your life and become one with God. If you do not want this and you still want to become a realized soul and merge in God how is it possible? While it is necessary for you to plan for your future, you must not have a fear of death. Do not be afraid of death, do not forget God, do not get yourself involved too much in this world. It is necessary for you to remember all these three and have faith in the Divine.

Summer Showers 1974

A man can get on without many things in life. But he cannot get on without love. Love is at the root of all action. This love is Divine. It is unchanging, pure, and unsullied. It is unaffected by joy or sorrow, loss, or gain. Feeling elated in a moment of joy and getting depressed in a moment of grief is the mark of worldly love. Divine love is spiritual and is infinitely precious. It is not fickle and changing from moment to moment. One who is immersed in the ocean of Divine love will have no words to express its greatness and sweetness. He will speak in the language of silence. He will keep away from idle talk or debate. Those who experience the bliss of Divine love will be filled with an inner joy, whatever the external troubles they may encounter.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 26