
Every activity of man is dependent on the energy he derives from the intake of food. The spiritual sadhanas [spiritual practices] he ventures upon depend for their success on the quantity and quality of the food taken by the sadhaka (spiritual aspirant), even during the preliminary preparations recommended by Pathanjali [an author, mystic, and philosopher]. The most external of the five sheaths that enclose the atmic core, namely the annamaya kosha (physical sheath), has impact on all the remaining four—the pranamaya, the manomaya, the vijnanamaya, and the anandamaya (the vital, mental, wisdom, and bliss sheaths or coverings). The annamaya kosha is the sheath consisting of the material, flesh and bone, built by the food that is consumed by the individual. Food is generally looked down upon by ascetically-minded sadhakas and seekers and treated as something that does not deserve attention. But since the body and the mind are mightily interdependent, no one can afford to neglect it. As the food so the mind, as the mind so the thought, as the thought so the act. Food is an important factor that determines the alertness and sloth, the worry and calm, the brightness and dullness. The scriptures classify food as satwik, rajasik and tamasik and relate these types to the three mental modes (gunas) of the same names.

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 14 (1978 – 80)

Health is wealth. Without a healthy body, man cannot execute any of his thoughts, however good they may be. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Several civilizations have treated various limbs and organs of the body as specialized individual entities that contribute to the body as a whole. The people of France maintained strict control on their eating habits and contents and maintained good health. The body is a temple of God. It may be temporary like a water bubble, but unless the house is safe, how can the inhabitants residing inside be safe?

You can do much good with a healthy body. The youth today neglect this aspect and suffer from deteriorating health. Several scholars and intellectuals have attempted to control, if not eradicate, ill health. The Romans were front-runners in this aspect. They maintained healthy and strong bodies and kept each limb and organ of the body in as near perfect and strong condition as possible. They did this by watching the three main aspects: conduct, character, and sensitivity. They remained self-sufficient as far as bodily needs were concerned and did not like depending on their fellow men to help them move about for their daily needs…. In each limb and organ of the body resides Divinity. He is therefore called Angeerasa: the vital force in each organ of the body.

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 35 (2002)

Man is the only living being who dislikes raw food found in the natural state. All other animals eat things as they are—grain, grass, leaves, shoots, fruits. Man boils, fries, melts, mixes, and adopts various methods of cooking in order to satisfy the cravings of the tongue, the eye, and the nose. As a consequence, the food value of these articles is either reduced or destroyed. When the seeds are fried, they do not sprout; that is clear proof that the ‘life-force’ is eliminated. Therefore, uncooked raw pulses just sprouting are to be preferred. Also nuts and fruits. The coconut, offered to the Gods, is a good satwik (pure) food, having good percentage of protein besides fat, starch, and minerals.

Food having too much salt or pepper is rajasik (passion rousing) and should be avoided; so, also, too much fat and starch, which are tamasik (disposed to inactivity) in their effects on the body, should be avoided. An intake of too much food is also harmful. Simply because tasty food is available and is being offered, one is tempted to overeat. We have air all around us but we do not breathe in more than we need. The lake is full, but we drink only as much as the thirst craves for. But overeating has become a social evil, fashionable habit. The stomach cries out, ‘Enough,’ but the tongue insists on more, and man becomes the helpless target of disease. He suffers from corpulence, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Moderate food is the best medicine to avoid bodily life. Do not rush to the hospital for every little upset. Too much drugging is also bad. Allow nature full scope to fight the disease and set you right. Adopt more and more the principles of naturopathy and give up running around for doctors.

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 14 (1978 – 80)

Even after having attained the sacred human birth, it is very unfortunate if you are not able to put your life on the right path. The gopikas were pure and sacred-minded and were used to worshipping God with a name and form. Prahlada was also pure and sacred-minded, and he was used to worshipping the formless God. Both were ideal examples for these two paths. People who want to develop themselves along the path of the atma must have good health, and for this purpose the control of food is essential. By eating clean food we can get a clean mind, and through a clean mind we can get a clear idea of the goal. Through such a clean concept of the atma, we will be able to get rid of the illusion of maya [illusion]. Through this method, the knot that is present in our heart will open, and this is the basis for getting a divine vision….

Summer Showers 1978