How to Align With His Will

The individual will, when aligned with divine will has no limitation and becomes all-powerful. How can we do this? Here ’s what Swami says.

“Where there is a will, there is a way,’ is absolutely true. At first the will is your own. It has to be strengthened by the assent of God until you convert it into the almighty will of God. You seem to be playing a particular game that you do not really desire to give up. You can change the game, if you will. You are not weak and helpless. Every strength and power is within you. God-vision is yours the very instant you will it with concentration. But you do not will it, simply because you don’t choose it.

“Sai is not mocking. He is perfectly earnest. He is giving expression to the truths gathered from the depths of experience. ‘Trust in and submission to the Supreme will in all circumstances,’ means the vision of truth, the vision of the root principle of all creation. When you say, ‘lf God wills,’ it must mean that you assert your own all-powerful will. The solution, therefore, is to awaken the inherent power and splendor of your soul. Do it.”

Prema Dhaara, p. 20

“Egoism is the seed pot of greed, envy, anger, malice, conceit and a host of other tendencies that drag [man] downwards. They cloud his intelligence, divert attention from truth, make the false appear as real, and distort the real so it appears as false. So it becomes essential to cleanse the mind of these [tendencies] through regular sadhana, to tune the little will to the infinite will of God, so that it becomes merged in His glory. Scholarship or skill, however deep and varied, have no cleansing power. They only add the alloys of pride and competition. Learned men are not necessarily good, nor are men with spiritual powers over nature above pride, envy and greed. Truth, right conduct, peace and love are the hallmarks of a purified heart, a heart where God is enshrined and is manifest.”

“Devaluation of Man,” Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 5

“Man contains in him the cosmic power that pervades the universe. The power contained in man is the same as the universal power. The body is like a balloon that bloats with the intake of air. The air inside the balloon is the same as the air outside. When the balloon bursts, the air inside the balloon merges with the air outside. Similarly, when the body dies, the cosmic divine in man becomes one with the universal power outside. The Upanishads speak about unity in diversity and unity in the infinity. Only when he realizes this, will man know that the divinity in him and divinity in the cosmos are one and the same.”

Summer Showers in Brindavan, 1993, p. 3

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