How to Worship God

Man in the initial stages, worships portraits or idols of God with flowers and the sixteen forms of reverential homage… The higher mode of worship is through good and pure thoughts, through good and pure conduct. This is a far superior type of devotion. Instead, if one continues forever doing worship only with flowers and material things, which is the lower form of worship one will remain in the lower stages only and will not be able to progress forward on the spiritual path. It is a far higher and nobler form of worship to propitiate God with good conduct, good thoughts and keeping holy company thus worshipping God through one’s own virtues, which is no ordinary worship, but is a far higher and advanced mode of worship.

The scriptures have referred to this mode of worship as “guna archana”—worship through virtues, and also they have listed these virtues through the offering of which God will be pleased and we will be able to earn His grace. These are the real flowers for worship: 1) ahimsa—non-violence, 2) indriya nigraham—sense control, 3) sarva bhuta daya—compassion to all beings, 4) kshama—forbearance, 5) santhi—equanimity, 6) tapas—spiritual excercises, 7) dhyana—meditation, 8) sathyam—truth.

Through the worship of God through these eight flowers, His grace can be won in full. Instead of worshiping God with flowers obtained from nature, which fade and wither away in no time, and lose their fragrance, worship God through real, everlasting and enduring flowers, the flowers of your virtues, and earn thereby the everlasting and enduring reward, the reward of experience and realization of the ultimate reality.

Digest, pp. 334 – 335

Worship is just a means of educating the emotions. Human impulses and emotions have to be guided and controlled, even enthusiasm must be under control; devotion must be regulated.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 2, p. 121

Work, worship and wisdom are not three distinct things. Work is like a flower. If we can protect the bud of this flower, it will transform and change into a flower. The same flower in the course of time will ripen and become a fruit. Without a bud, we won’t get the flower, and without the flower we won’t get the fruit. This is the reason why we should not regard work, worship, and wisdom as three things distinct from each other. They are inseparably connected with each other. Whatever work you do, do it in the name of God. Do it as a task for God, then work will become worship.

Digest, p. 334

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