
Men who are devoted to Me are full of love. They always stand by dharma or righteousness. They speak the truth. Their hearts melt with mercy. They are devoid of wrong conduct. They avoid sin. They will renounce everything gladly. They act in moderation. They are always engaged in doing good to others. They are not selfish. They are worried by no doubts. They do not lend their ears to flattery.

– Baba

You should cultivate an attitude of inseparable attachment to the Lord, who is your very self.  If He is a flower, you should feel yourself as a bee that sucks its honey.  If He is a tree, you must be a creeper that clings to it.  If He is a cliff, then feel that you are a cascade running over it.  If He is the sky, be the tiny star that twinkles in it. Above all, be conscious of the truth that you and He are bound by the Supreme love.  If you feel this acutely with subtle intelligence, then the journey will be quick, and the goal can be achieved.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 5

If you view the world with love, it will appear as filled with love. On the other hand, if you view it with hatred, everything will appear antagonistic to you. Eyes filled with love shine with brightness and cheerfulness. On the contrary eyes filled with hatred appear bloodshot and fearful. Your thoughts determine your actions whether good or bad. The external world will reflect your thoughts. You must consider the entire universe as a temple of God. You must regard all that is beautiful and great in Nature—the lofty mountains, the vast oceans, the stars in the sky—as proclaiming the glory and power of the Divine. The sweet fragrance of flowers or the delectable juice of fruits should also be regarded as tokens of God’s love and compassion.

Divine Discourse, July 24, 1983

Love develops divine power in you. There is nothing that love cannot conquer in this world. Sages performed penance in dense forests infested with wild animals. They did not possess any weapon for self-protection. The weapon that protects them is their intense love and yearning for God. They tame the wild beasts with their power of love and transform them into docile beings. You should not merely exist as a human being in form. Speak good, see good, do good, and be good. Divinity will manifest in you only when your conduct is good.

Divine Discourse, Sep 9, 2002

When you win God’s love, His compassion will flow unto you. Love gives and forgives. Ego gets and forgets. Live without hating others, condemning others, or seeking faults in others. Doing good to others is the only meritorious act. Doing evil is the most heinous sin. When you feel you cannot do good, at least desist from doing evil; that itself is a meritorious service. Do not try to discover the differences, discover unity.

Divine Discourse, April 4, 1975

Install God in the altar of your heart and meditate on Him constantly.  Despite sorrow, difficulties, and calamities that you may encounter, hold on to Him firmly. They trouble your body, not you—for, you are separate from your body.  We cultivate qualities like anger, jealousy, envy, and pride due to our contact with the outside world. Only when we get rid of these qualities, we enjoy peace. Therefore, we must start our spiritual journey with truth and righteousness. When truth and righteousness go together, peace will reign. Peace brings love.  Where there is peace, there hatred cannot be. When we develop hatred against someone, it means the spring of love has dried up in our heart.  When there is love in our heart, we do not get angry, even if someone accuses us. Hence always follow the motto, “Love All, Serve All.”

Divine Discourse, Feb 23, 2009

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