Nature Is the Best Teacher

If there is a boil on the body, we apply some ointment and cover it with a bandage until it heals. If you do not do this, it is likely to become septic and cause great harm later. Every now and then one has to clean it with pure water, apply the ointment again and put on a new bandage. In the same way in our life, there is this (particular) boil that has come up in our body, in the form of ‘I’, (ahamkara [ego] and mamakara). If you want to really cure this boil of ‘I’, you will have to wash it every day with the water of love, apply the ointment of faith, and tie the bandage of humility around it. This will cure the disease that has erupted with this boil of ‘I’.

Divine Discourse, Feb 17, 1985

The whole world is intimately associated with the Sun God. He is the visible manifestation of the Lord. In India, Sun God (Surya) is considered highly sacred and granted the unique status of a great Guru. Sun is also the source of time. The Sun limits and regulates the number of years each one lives. He performs His duty without thought of reward and is humble and steady. Imagine the patience with which the Sun puts up with all that extreme heat, and gives sufficient warmth to the human body, every single day. Human beings are so full of activity and intelligence on account of the solar energy that is imbibed. If the Sun is idle even for a moment, the whole world will go cold and dark. The actions of the great is the ideal that the rest must keep in view. This also shows that all in the world are bound by the obligation of karma (activity).

~Geeta Vahini, Chapter 6

If you view the world with love, it will appear as filled with love. On the other hand if you view it with hatred, everything will appear antagonistic to you. Eyes filled with love shine with brightness and cheerfulness. On the contrary eyes filled with hatred appear bloodshot and fearful. Your thoughts determine your actions whether good or bad. The external world will reflect your thoughts. You must consider the entire universe as a temple of God. You must regard all that is beautiful and great in nature—the lofty mountains, the vast oceans, and the stars in the sky—as proclaiming the glory and power of the Divine. The sweet fragrance of flowers or the delectable juice of fruits should also be regarded as tokens of God’s love and compassion.

~Divine Discourse, July 24, 1983

All of you must realize that the relationship between you and God is permanent and is beyond the limitations of time and space. You should not waste your life thinking only of the physical relationship. The body is a passing thing. What you see externally is a burden; when you have made it a part of yourself it ceases to be a burden. It is like the food that a traveler carries on his shoulders for consumption on the way. As long as the food remains outside it is a burden. But when he has eaten it, he gets stronger and there is no burden on his shoulder. You must safeguard the Divinity you experienced and magnify it by contemplating on it internally. You should concentrate on the attainment of union with the Divine, which is permanent and beyond the limitations of time and space.

~Divine Discourse, July 24, 1983