Observe Limits

Every sense organ has to be used with the consciousness of the limit inherent in it. Beyond the limit it becomes a misuse, sacrilege of a God-given instrument. For example, the nose is to be used legitimately to help in breathing and for the selective enjoyment of fragrance, but many stuff it with snuff and degrade its real purpose. The tongue is polluted by using it to eat rajasic and tamasic (passion-rousing and inactivity-inducing) food and to swallow intoxicants that demean man. All sense organs are thus spoiled by man through improper, unauthorized, or illegitimate use. The consequences for man are mental distress and physical disease.

Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. 15, P. 223

Now, what is meant by non-violence? People consider only hurting and harming others as violence. No, no. Harming yourself is also violence! Talking unnecessarily, eating immoderately, and working too much—these are violence. Meaning, one should lead a life of moderation and balance. Anything done beyond limits is violence. Even writing excessively is violence. Why is it bad to transgress limits? Because it wastes energy. By talking more than necessary, we deplete our intellect. Therefore, nonviolence can be defined as the regulation of human life along moderate and beneficial paths.

Summer Course in Indian Culture and Spirituality 1995, P.154

Offer worldly resources back to the world in useful forms. There is nothing useless anywhere. We see a twig on the ground and think it is useless. No, no. Even that is useful, for instance, as a toothpick! But today man himself is useless and wasted. Why? Man does not know his own value. What is his value? Man wrongly bases his worth on position, fame, degrees, and wealth. Yes, all these may be desired but within limits. When we cross limits, they become dangerous instead of lending enjoyment.

Suppose you are thirsty. Quench your thirst with a glass of water. But today’s man says, “I am not satisfied with a glass. I want to drink the whole River Ganga!” If you try to drink Ganga, it will drown you. This is only danger, not enjoyment. Another example: you need air to live. Do you try to inhale all the air in the world? The five elements must be used within limits. The body needs heat to survive. But the body cannot function with excessive heat; as in 105 degrees F temperature. Have limits, have limits, have limits.

Summer Course in Indian Culture and Spirituality 1995, P. 166

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